Zach ~ Date Night In

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I was downstairs playing on the X-box in my living room, hearing the front door open as I look over to see my new boyfriend of six months walk in with some groceries. I had given him a key to my apartment for emergencies or if he just needed a place to relax and get away from others. I trusted him enough to give him that option, even if it was only half a year I have known him.

He wanted to come over and an cook me dinner and I had agreed since I thought it would be a nice date night in. I wasn't much of a person to go out. I loved staying in and relaxing in pajamas while watching television or playing videogames and he was similar. He did love to go out to clubs and bars with his band mates and friends and I went with him a few times. I had to admit it was fun but it was never my scene until I met him. I mainly kept to my Sunday relaxation rituals of binge watching tv, playing videogames, and cooking dinner and he occasionally accompanied me.

I pause my game and get up, walking over to him. I placed the groceries down on the counter before he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Hey, handsome." I flash him a gentle smile.

"Hey, baby." He smiles back as we began unpacking the bags.

"How was work?" I asked while we unpack each bag of ingredients.

"It was okay," He smiles wide. "It's really great now that we are back to making music."

I smile at his response and kiss his cheek as we get everything ready. "That's great, you seem happy."

He nods before pulling me closer. "I really am." He pressed his lips against mine, stroking my waist gently. I was surprised by his touch but I kissed back gently, cupping his cheek with my left hand before he pulled away.

I was caught a bit by surprise but his was nothing unusual. Zach was a very affectionate person. He was never afraid to show his loving side. Whether it be cuddling in bed or kissing in public. He was not afraid and I loved that quality about him.

He begins to start prepping dinner. he told me he was going to take care of it, do I sat down at one of my bar stools and watch him cook. I had to admit, I found it hot. watching him cook for me. I bit my lower lip as I watched him, leaning my elbow on the island counter as I rest my chin on the palm of my hand. Thoughts of him and me began to fill my bran. His hands resting on my thighs and lower back. His lips connected to mine as they move in harmony. Our bodies pressed together as he attached his lips to my neck, setting me over the edge. Zach and I have made out multiple times and had gotten to the point of touching each other, but we had never had sex. I hadn't really thought much about going farther, but lately I have been craving that intimacy for awhile and I knew he did too. For the past few weeks, when we touched or kissed it was hard to pull ourselves away. Neither of us wanted to pressure one another, and all we wanted was to make sure one another was comfortable.

He finished up and grabbed the plates. My thoughts were pulled away from me and I brought myself back to reality, trying not to bring attention to my flushed cheeks and swollen bottom lip. he hands me a plate and I take it, kissing his cheek to thank him before sitting at my small dining table. Zach followed with his plate, sitting across from me as he turned on some calming music to set the mood.

We both ate, talking about our days and everything that was new with each other and all the ideas we had for what we would do tonight. I obviously wasn't going to tell him about my thoughts earlier. I didn't want the mood to turn uncomfortable or make him think he had too. I wanted us to both be ready before we make any further decisions. We just kept talking about PG related topics.

"So?" Zach asked as he finished up his plate. "How does a movie in bed sound?

I look at him, pretending to contemplate the decision as I finished my plate. "Hmmmm, does it involve snacks?"

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