Daniel ~ Weekend Getaway

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My eyes fluttered open, seeing trees outside the window of the car. I yawned and took a stretch, bringing myself back to reality. I looked over to see my boyfriend, Daniel, driving as he hums to the music coming from the radio.

"Good," he smiled. "You're up."

I nod my head in response. "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah, just a few more minutes." He stated. His hand on was rested on my thigh, gently caressing the flesh with his thumb.

After a few minutes we arrived at Daniel's family cabin for a little weekend getaway. Just the two of us. No distractions. It is exactly what we need. Between my work load and his music career, the only time we have together is over the phone or in bed. It wasn't how we wanted to spend our relationship. That is why I came up with the idea to take the last minute trip, and he agreed.

He parks the car. We both got out of the car, heading to the back and opening the trunk. He runs up to unlock the door before heading back to unpack our things. I help my boyfriend with the bags and lugged them inside. It took a less than an hour, but we finally finished up. I sigh in relief before falling back onto the couch. Daniel followed in suite. His arms wrapping around my torso, taking a breather.

I look up at him, playing with the chain draped around his neck. A smile formed on his soft lips. My eyes gazing at his features in awe.

"What are you looking at?" He chuckles.

My face turned bright red as I shrug in response. "I just missed being with you. It's been awhile since we've been able to spend alone time together."

"I know baby," Daniel  looks down and nods his head before he looks back up at me. "It's been tough for us lately. Not being able to spend time together and all, but this is our weekend to change that."

A wide smile perked up on my face before pecking his lips before getting up and walking over to the kitchen. I open the fridge to look at all of the food we had unpacked and bought for the trip. Daniel came over to help me shortly after. I checked the time as I knew it was close to dinner.


"What should we have for dinner tonight?" I asked, looking over at him.

He hums and looks up, thinking of something you both were craving. "Let's make homemade burgers."

"Yes!" I exclaim, scaring him a bit, "That's perfect"

Daniel laughs at my actions. "Sounds amazing."

He helps me grab out all the equipment while I grab the ingredients. I put the meat, spices and onions in a bowl before washing my hands. I walk back and start mixing it with my hands. Soon after, he sneaks up behind me. His body pressed against my back as he helps me mix the meat. I chuckle at the feeling of his hands with mine as we mixed the ingredients.

"What are you doing?" I spoke, laughing sweetly.

"I promised I would spend every moment with you," He kissed my temple. "I meant every word my love."

I blush softly as we finished up mixing the ingredients before forming them into individual burger patties. Daniel and I washed our hands after we were done.  I prep all the toppings for the burgers as Daniel went outside to grill the burgers.

I put on some music and sway my hips as I make a salad to go with our dinner. Some time passed till Daniel walks in with the cooked burgers on a tray. I grab two plates and hand him one. We start assembling our dinner and sit down at the table once we were ready.

We talked the whole way through dinner. Him opening up about his music career and me openly discussing my job as well. It was what we both needed considering the fact we are only really open about our personal lives with each other, with the exception of our families of course. When it comes to us though, we never keep secrets. We tell every little detail we can think of. That's just how we are.

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