The video aftermath

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Octavian updated his status:
PERCY JACKSON!!! That was Hazel's video!
Leo Valdez: I wasn't at Camp Jupiter, what was Hazel's video? What did you show them?
Percy Jackson: The video I emailed to you yesterday.
Leo Valdez: OMG! You actually showed that video to all of camp Jupiter? That would be more embarrassing than anything!
Percy Jackson: Yep! :)
Octavian: YES HE DID!!!
Praetor Reyna: Nice job, Percy.
Octavian: Is it everyone against me!
Leo Valdez: Pretty much!
Piper McLean: So, what was the video?
Percy Jackson: Octavian kissing his little toilet girlfriend!
Jason Grace: That is soooo embarrassing, imagine. . .
Octavian: IT WAS!!!
Percy Jackson: It was. . . Hilarious!
Hazel Levesque: How could kissing a toilet not be hilarious!
Percy Jackson: If it was me. . .
Jason Grace: But it was Octavian. . .
Percy Jackson: Which makes it AWESOME!!!
Octavian: It is not awesome! I didn't truly love that toilet. It was Aphrodite!
Leo Valdez: You mean Belle Toiletta!!! Not 'that toilet' :)
Octavian: ARRRRR!!!
Percy Jackson: You kissed a toilet. You kissed a toilet!
Octavian: Thanks a lot! And I will kill Frank for daring Aphrodite!
Percy Jackson: You are most welcome!
Frank Zhang: Yeah, you really are welcome!
Octavian logged off

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