Athena vs Everyone else

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Athena updated her status:
I was looking on Facebook, when I realised Aphrodite had hired a 'Percabeth stalker'
Annabeth Chase: Mother!!
Athena: We all know he's not good for you, darling!
Percy Jackson: Er, right here, you know!
Annabeth Chase: Mum!!!
Athena: How can you stand him?
Annabeth Chase: Mum, please!
Percy Jackson: Did any of your other daughters have their boyfriend fall into Tartarus with them?
Athena: None of my other daughters have fallen into Tartarus
Percy Jackson: Oh. . .
Athena: See?
Annabeth Chase: NO!!!
Aphrodite: Are you trying to BREAK UP PERCABETH?
Athena: Poseidon's son is no good for my daughter!
Percy Jackson: I have a name!!! And I am still here!!!
Aphrodite: Percabeth is the cutest thing ever!!!
Athena: No. It isn't.
Aphrodite: Are you trying to start a war, Athena?
Annabeth Chase: Oh, gods.
Athena: No, I am trying to make my daughter happy!
Annabeth Chase: We've been through this! I am happy!
Percy Jackson: This is getting very awkward for me. . .
Leo Valdez: And everyone!!!
Leo Valdez logged off
Percy Jackson logged off
Annabeth Chase updated her status:
Look, mother. What do you have against Percy?
Athena: He is a son of Poseidon, he is foolish, not very bright, and his fatal flaw could bring danger to you!
Annabeth Chase: You mightn't have noticed, but the war is over!
Aphrodite: PERCABETH 4EVER!!!
Athena: I give in. But be warned, Perseus Jackson, if you do anything to my daughter. . .
Percy Jackson: I get it! I get it!
Athena logged off

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