Percy and Frank vs Octavian

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Percy Jackson updated his status:
Who spray-painted the Poseidon cabin pink!!! PIPER MCLEAN!!!
Piper McLean: Are you accusing me?!?
Percy Jackson: Yes, I am. . . Or I am accusing someone in your cabin!!!
Piper McLean: IT WASN'T ME!!!!
Percy Jackson: Was it someone from the Aphrodite cabin!!!
Piper McLean: NO!!!
Octavian: No comment. . .
Percy Jackson: OCTAVIAN!!!! Why?
Octavian: I told you that you didn't know the beast you were waking!!!
Percy Jackson: I told you his beast would be lame
Octavian: I'll get you, Percy Jackson, and I'll get you good!
Octavian logged off
Percy Jackson updated his status:
Yeah, 'Good' *airquotes*
Percy Jackson logged off
Frank Zhang updated his status:
What the Hades??? My room was painted pink???
Percy Jackson: Wow
Leo Valdez: Oh, gee
Octavian: Hahahahahaha!!!! I told you I would get someone good!!!
Percy Jackson: You pulled the same prank. . . Which is lame!!!
Octavian: The prank is different. . . With you it was a cabin, with Frank it was a room!!!
Percy Jackson: How stupid is this kid!!!
Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang and 1094 others liked this comment
Octavian updated his status:
Percy Jackson: I'm just gonna log off. . . .
Percy Jackson logged off
Leo Valdez logged off
Frank Zhang logged off

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