4(the summoning)

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I chose to do an eyeless Jack one.
It is one in the morning btw
1:44 doing the summoning
1:44 done with the summoning I'm not looking out the window my head hurts
1:48 could've sworn I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye the image is of where I saw it

It is one in the morning btw1:44 doing the summoning1:44 done with the summoning I'm not looking out the window my head hurts1:48 could've sworn I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye the image is of where I saw it

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2:07 I closed my eyes for a few seconds and got. A small vision? So lights were on but I saw someone walk into my vision that's when I opened my eyes again. I don't know what that means I'd love to know though
10:36 AM I just woke up nothing hurts so I think it didn't work but i don't know
12:21PM I can't help but look back at that vision at lest I think that's what it was. I felt calm during it though... I don't know about any of this I'd anybody does care to help me out with what I saw in the vision that would be great.


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