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Well fuck. I had a nightmare like a day ago. Yes we all get them but this one. This one was feeling real. Like a dream well nightmare will come true. When I have realistic dreams like this they usually come true. And this one. This one I hope doesn't EVER come true. To sum it up. I was checking this book to write in it for some reason and I realized that ,there were 13 chapters I have never posted. And I read them. I seemed to be yelling at something and cursing at it because it seemed to be taking over both my mind and body. And when I was reading these chapters there were links to videos or images? I never checked them I didn't want to. While I read these chapters I noticed that I seemed to be in distress and I was mad above all I was paranoid. Now the thing is is that when I have something realistic in my dreams or nightmares they come true. And last night I had a weird dream. I was in a different house and my brother was outside while I was inside. Anyways I was sitting down and I saw something out of my curtains. So I looked at it from a different angle and I saw a really tall figure but it had a human face ,and a normal skin tone. I kept staring at it and it turned its head to me and smiled in a really fucking creepy way. Then it started to walk away. I walked to a different room to try and see it and the thing was looking at a license plate outside in a truck that was outside. My brother noticed it and ran at it and it started to run the other way. Then a Timeskip thing happened and my brother had it on the ground and my brother was cursing at the thing. And my brother walked away. But I didn't I just stood and started at it and then woke up. This is fucking weird.
Until next update

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