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Anytime I wish to do a summoning or anything like that shit. I never do it cause I'll always have a headache or I just feel off. Last night I told myself I'd do a summoning that's outside but I didn't. I keep waking up right before the clock strikes midnight or it's close to midnight. And then I stay up at night either to one or three in the morning. I hear shit move at night it doesn't bother me. If I see someone walk to me it startles me. My head hurts a lot. I got a bloody nose earlier today but it was from an impact and I enjoyed seeing the blood. I enjoyed the fact I was bleeding. My legs are always feeling weak especially when I'm alone. I keep thinking I'm seeing things but I don't. I had a dream about seeing a proxy I'll write about it later. At This Point im not scared I'm just angry. I wanna hurt people so bad. Mostly people who I find that have done me wrong. Yes that seems normal but this isn't normal. I never wanted to kill them myself I just hated them and wanted them to get killed by something else. But now I wanna see them get hurt by my doing. I wanna look at them as I take their life. I wanna watch them die. I wanna see the world suffer. The scratch on my thigh is healing. My ears are ringing. My headache is growing. I can't help but wonder how the hell i ended up here.

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