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So count this as an update on my situation. Uhm while I'm writing this I have ringing in my ears with a small headache. Earlier while I was sweeping I was coughing a little bit like it was just sudden. Last night when I went to take a nap I had really heavy ringing in my ears. I had a headache to. About five minutes in I twitched up as if someone pull Ed me up a bit. Along with tapping on my window last night. Like at random times there was tapping on my window. It was soft tapping so it had to of been on the wood. And as I'm writing this the headache I'm experiencing is growing the ringing in my ears is faint it's mostly a headache now. I'll try and see if I have nay strength tonight to try and do a summoning or invocation. It'll be only one though and I'll write what happens after I do it. Until I write again stay safe and watch your back.

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