16( dream again)

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Now about that dream I mentioned. I had a dream about hoodie. In this Dream i was at a different location but I still had everything I currently have so nothing has changed minus locations. I looked outside of my window and started at this one window that connected to ig my house. Then I looked over at this tree in my yard and saw a man that looked exactly like hoodie, he was sitting in a tree that had no leaves. I was shocked for a moment but I like closed my eyes for a bit and opened them to see him with his mask up only showing his nose and mouth and he was smiling? I laid back down in my bed and went to text my friend that I just saw hoodie. And then I woke up right at 11:14 pm. The only reason why I am able to write about these dreams is that I tell my friend about it right after I wake up from one. And she makes sure to save my messages because we talk on Snapchat and I also save them to. And then I go about my night until I pass out.


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