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Exhausted after a long day of work, you were driving home to your boyfriend (and bed).

You parked the car next to Jungkook's as you picked up your briefcase and started walking inside. You entered the house as it was pin drop silence inside and totally dark. You found the switch as you turned it on and saw an angry Jungkook on the couch. You made your way towards him.

Y : Hey babe.

You said as you dropped yourself beside him.

Jungkook : Where were you?

Y : Work.

You said as you closed your eyes.

Jungkook scoffed which made you look at him.

Y : What?

Jungkook : You think I wouldn't know?

Y : Know what?

Jungkook : That you're cheating on me.

Y : WHAT?!

Jungkook : Stop with your little acts.

Y : What makes you think Im cheating on you?

Jungkook : Why did you come so late?

He raised his voice a bit which made you sister shook 

(yes, I watch James Charles on daily basis)

Y : I told you, the CEO isn't here for some time so there's a lot to do!

Y : What even made you think that I would ever cheat on you? Do you think I would even think about wasting what have?! Jungkook, I would never even think about cheating on you and I can assure you that.

Jungkook : ...

Y : If you don't want to believe me then that's your decision.

You stood there for a minute for him to response but he didn't, you two were just starring at each other, him not speaking and not believing you made tears form in your eyes but you held them in.

Y : I'll leave.

You went to your shared bedroom and took out your suitcase and packed your clothes. You picked up your suitcase after packing and you grabbed another bag which had your stuff and you put it on your shoulder.

You went outside and you found Jungkook standing in the exact same position, you went towards him.

Y : Goodbye, I hope you have a happy life.

You waited for his response but as expected he didn't say anything, you just went by him and were now walking towards the door.

Jungkook : Y-Y/n.

You turned to look at him and saw tears in his eyes. 

Y : What?

Jungkook : I-I'm sorry.

Y : ...

Jungkook : I'm a jerk, I should have never questioned you. When I should have been making food and taking care of you, I was questioning you. I'm so sorry. You can still go if that makes you happy.

Y : Only you can make me happy.

(What if I say food?)

Y : Come on *chuckle* Come on you big baby, let's go sleep, I'm tired.

He nodded 

Jungkook : You go and shower, I will unpack your bags.

Y : Thank you.

He showed you his bunny smile that can literally kill anyone

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