Chapter 2: Car Troubles

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Hank and the guys were ready to head to Great Wolf Lodge, Dale, Bill, Joseph, and Boomhaur were piled in the bugabago and ready to follow the Hills. "See you guys at the first pitstop!" Hank said before driving off. "No problem, Hank! We'll follow you before you can even say my son is the greatest!" Dale replied. He then tried starting the truck, but it kept stalling. "Dale? What's wrong with the truck?" Bill asked. "Yeah, Dad. Why isn't it starting?" Joseph chimed in. "Ohhh that! This has happened many times, son. I just gotta kick it a few times." Dale said before getting out of the driver's seat. He went to examine why his bugabago wasn't starting up properly before the car sped off, leaving a cloud of black dust. "What the hell, Bill!" Dale shouted before the window rolled down, revealing to be Joseph who had pulled the car out. "That's my son!" Dale cheered before he and his son switched seats. 

"See that, guys? True Gribble power right here." Dale said before driving off. "See, Bill. Its in times like these where you just let your teenage son do all the work." he continued. Dale then began to drive behind Hank as they would head down the long road to the awaited resort. 

Meanwhile, Hank and Peggy were driving ahead of Dale, along with Bobby and the newly added Connie. The group were listening to the classical station (by Kahn's request.) And overall just enjoying the view of the open road. Peggy contemplated if it would be a good idea to go against her friend's wishes, but decided that it wouldn't hurt Connie to have her listen to normal music that most teens would listen to at the time. "Now, Connie. I would like you to promise me not to tell either of your parents about this." Peggy commented. Connie and Bobby gave their word before Peggy switched to the pop station, much to Hank's annoyance. "Hank. Have you heard from Dale at all? I don't see him behind us." Peggy said checking her mirror. Hank checked his too and realization that his wife was right. "I'm not sure. He might have ran low on gas and needed to stop at the nearest station." Hank commented before driving off once more. 

Dale and the others were then cast along the side of the road. They apparently were having more car troubles. Boomhaur asked Dale about when he last changed the car battery. "I dunno....15 years ago?" Dale said scratching his bald head. It then dawned upon him that the battery had gone dead, likely because he would keep all the car lights on when driving, even at broad daylight. Dale sighed and lit up a cigarette, "I uh... Think we need another battery." He commented. "Joseph. Do daddy a favor and check the trunk for a spare car battery." Joseph then was about to mention that there was no car battery before Dale said to "just check already." 

15 minutes passed and no battery was found. "Sorry, dad. No dice." Joseph said piling out of the back. Bill asked Dale what they were gonna do now that the car battery was dead, and there was no AutoZone near by. "Well.... we could always walk to Great Wolf Lodge." Dale commented nervously, he was given a response about how fucking stupid his idea was. "Well, if you guys are so smart, just try calling a mechanic then!" he snapped. Bill pulled out his cell phone, but was given no signal. "Sorry, guys..." bill said before the others groaned in annoyance, Dale fell to his knees and screamed "NO!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Joseph was usually focused on what to do during this time. "Dad. Get your sleeping bags, I'll try flagging someone down." Joseph said as the others climbed into the back of the truck. 

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