Chapter 6: Bobby The Bandit.

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After a few hours, Hank and the guys met up at a hotel. Finally reuniting after a long night. "Say, where's Joseph in all of this?" Peggy asked before seeing Joseph and Boomhaur carrying a sleeping Dale out of the car. Hank just sighed before holding the door open for the rest of the group.

After checking into the hotel room, Bobby was busy admiring his winnings from the claw. Those being a stuffed bear, stuffed zebra (that Hank failed miserably at winning,) and a spotted cat plush. But the boy still felt like it wasn't enough, and he had already used up the dollar bills and quarters that he had on him. "Uhhhhh Connie?" Bobby whispered. "You wouldn't happen to have any extra money on you, right?" Connie was confused, but didn't give a response since she had no idea why Bobby needed the money. Bobby simply frowned and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

Later that night, while everyone was asleep, Bobby got out of bed and scrambled through everyone's wallets and purses, hoping he'd get a few of those green pieces of paper, or at least a few quarters. His mission was a success, winding up with a little over $6.50. "Now to properly dispose of the evidence." Bobby muttered to himself before leaving the hotel room. 

The next morning, everyone woke up bright and early, to make sure they'd grab a quick breakfast and head on the road as soon as they could. "I've never seen Bobby this tired." Hank said watching his son who was still asleep at this time, compared to times where he would mostly be up and at em and playing on his Gameboy. "Bobby. Wake up. We're about to go have breakfast." Hank said shaking his son carefully. Bobby then woke up with half the energy he usually had and got up out of bed. "I'll be there in a sec, dad. Just gotta pack my suitcase." Bobby yawned before getting out of bed. 

Hank and Peggy were heading to the public restrooms while they waited for their son to get ready. "Mrs. Hill. I apologize for interrupting but something seems off." Connie said. "I'm missing 50 cents from my change purse." She then handed Peggy the change purse just to get a second opinion. "Now that you mention it, yeah. It does seem like you're missing some change here." Peggy replied putting the money back in the change purse. "You probably used it all at the arcade yesterday." Hank chimed in with a small laugh. "Yeah, you're probably right. I might just be a little loopy from waking up." Connie said before making her way back to the hotel room. Bobby came back out with his suitcase. "Hey, dad." Bobby greeted. "Well, someone's up bright and early." Peggy chuckled. "I'll have your dad help you get that suitcase in the car." Hank and Bobby then went to the car to dispose of the luggage. 

Back in the hotel room, everyone was packing up their suitcase before Dale came CHARGING out of the bathroom. "Alright which one of you bozos did it?!" Dale yelled holding his pocket knife. "Did what, Dale?" Bill replied nervously. "I am missing about..... $2 from my wallet." Dale said counting his money. "I know it wasn't Joseph cuz he's too innocent to do something so horrible." He placed the money back in his wallet. "Well now that you mention it, I am missing $2 from my wallet." Bill pondered. Boomhaur said that his wallet was untouched and all he had were fives, tens, and twenties. The others looked at each other, wondering where the missing cash could have gone. Only one way to find out. Bring it up to Hank. 

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