Chapter 5: Stuck At Luly's

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After a long 4 hours, Dale and his comrades wound up with 2 things.

1) A Rental car while the bugabago was at a mechanics. 

2) being stuck at the nearest Luly's. 

"Well, guys.... It doesn't look like we'll be meeting up with Hank and Peggy tonight." Dale said looking at a menu. The others didn't really care at this point as all they wanted was something to eat other than chips and cookie dough. Boomhaur excused himself for a moment to go call Hank and Peggy and tell them what had happened and that they'd be there within the next few hours. "Maybe we should just order now." Bill said getting up from his seat. "Sounds about right..." Dale replied. The crew went to the buffet to order an actual meal compared to what they've had to survive off of preiously.

Meanwhile, back at the Emporium. Bobby and Connie made a B-line for the arcade where the two became hooked on a few of the games, most notably, Bobby's addiction to the claw machine. Hank peeked in to see what was so cool about what the thought were life sized video games that just "make kids even dumber than they already are." He was then greeted with an ear piercing screech, which turned out to be Bobby as he had just won a stuffed bear from the claw machine. "Jesus Christ, Bobby. We're in a public area here." Hank snapped. "Relax, dad. We're the only kids in here!" Bobby replied clutching his prize. Hank decided to give this contraption a try, so he slipped in a dollar and began to play. 

"Go for that zebra, dad! Its in the perfect position!" Bobby pointed out. Hank then rolled his eyes and went for the plush, he sadly didn't win, referring to it as a dollar wasted. Luckily, there were 3 plays left, giving Bobby an advantage. "I will take it from here" the boy said grabbing the joystick. "I really don't get it son, you pay money only to either get nothing, or get some stuffed animal you could find at the dollar store. I mean what fun is that?" Hank asked. "Well, its the suspense, dad. You don't know what you're gonna get!" Bobby replied. "Just think of it as Forest Gump but the box of chocolates is this video game." 

Back at Luly's, Dale and the others finished their dinner before setting off to find the nearest motel for the evening. "Bill, I'll let you take over. I'm too tired." Dale said before falling asleep in the back seat. Bill shrugged and started driving into the dark of night. 

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