Chapter 7: Never Underestimate Peggy Hill

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It had been a few hours on the road before everybody made a pit stop halfway to Great Wolf Lodge.

"You guys go on ahead. I need to have a word with Hank for a moment." Peggy said fixing her glasses. She then sat next to Hank in the passenger seat. "Hank. You know I love you and Bobby very much, right?" She said. "Well of course, Peggy. It definitely shows with every home cooked meal." Hank chuckled. "Right. Well I don't know if you noticed but Dale, Bill, AND Connie came to me complaining of missing cash from their wallets. Doesn't that seem a little suspicious to you?" Peggy said lifting an eyebrow. "I mean it does seem odd, but they've either spent in on snacks or lost it someplace." Hank shrugged. Somebody knocking on the glass was then heard. Peggy rolled down the window to reveal Joseph holding his wallet. "Let me're missing money?" Peggy sighed.

Meanwhile, Bobby was using the vending machine, with a quarter in hand. "Hmmmm what can I g et for a quarter in this fine establishment..." He said in his snarky tone. "Where'd you get that quarter, Bobby?" Bill asked. "Oh, I found it on the ground, Mr. Dautrieve." Bobby replied. The two then sat in front of the vending machine thinking about what to get. Suddenly, there was muffled arguing heard from outside followed by Joseph running through the doorway. "What happened, Joseph?" Dale asked. "I asked Mrs. Hill if she knew why I was missing a couple bucks, then suddenly she started yelling at Mr. Hill!" Joseph replied, trying not to embarrass himself or his friends in front of the other bystanders. Dale peeked out of the glass door, to see what was all the commotion.

"So you think its just a coincidence that a 13 year old was missing a single dollar after others came to us complaining of missing cash?!" Peggy exclaimed. Hank retaliated by saying that that wasn't what he was saying, but that he knew how airheaded the others could be and simply lost the money. "I seriously don't get it. You are just as clueless as them, Hank Hill. But fine, if you want to underestimate my knowledge, than go ahead. But you'll regret it when my case has been plead." Peggy snapped at her husband before both of them fell on non-speaking terms.

"Ooh...spicy..." Dale snickered while rubbing his hands together. He then went to Hank's car and knocked on the glass. "Hey, Hank. I don't mean to interrupt but how about I take Bobby and Connie off your hands for a short while." Hank agreed and helped Dale take the kids' suitcases. Bobby and the others stepped out of the pit stop to notice what was going on. "Hey kids. Mr. Gribble is gonna take you guys to Great Wolf Lodge for the remainder of the trip, your mother and I are having a few issues right now and would like a little privacy." Hank explained. The kids understood what Hank was saying and got into the rental van.

"Buckle up, kids. We'll be on the road for a while....And by a while I mean...uh.... 30 minutes." Dale said as he drove off.

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