2 year chapter continued

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.2013 this year started out great, but by now the strain of it all was making me sick i was in the shit so deep and when i tried to leave she begged me not to and blackmailed me into staying.then one day she broke up with me and i thought YES finally only she still loved me and didn't let go she started lying about where she was and i just had no clue as to why then she put 2 and 2 together and came up with the right answer. she asked me outright and said no matter the answer she was staying so we skyped and i told her we cried i took her on skype to connors house where he said yes he knew and he wanted to meet her etc,it was over and she stayed.her life was still shit so we palnned on her visiting me in england so i paid for her passport and booked her flights and she came and we had such a great time so much so she wanted to move here so i got the ball rolling and got her a job a place at uni,she was acting strange though not talking as much to me but i still carried on and 6 weeks after she went back to the states she was home in england but she could only stay for 5 days customs had said so as she couldn't prove how she planned on living here.so it was so hard knowing she had to go home but we had a huge fight which resulted in us being evil to each other and she turned into someone i just didn't know. but after a few weeks we started to speak more not a lot but we did,we still had fights. but she had stayed in spite of everything she stayed no matter what i had done she saw the good in me. we are making plans on her coming her coming back this year for a visit. she told me she wanted to not speak to me again etc but she knew she wanted me in her life because for all the mistakes and lies i told she couldn't deny the fact i was her friend her bestfriend the only one who has ever had faith in her.

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