getting deeper

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I began to know more about Allyson she told me about her life,i felt sorry for her and done my best to support her and help her. we spoke everyday but i also spoke to Tamara everyday and learnt more about her life oh my god i was so sad hearing it all i grew really close to her i guess in ways i really did care about them both. But Tamara was only 15 Allyson was 20, Tamara needed more help,by now they really hated each other i had made a fake account using my step nephews pictures,blocked him and the rest of my family from seeing it too. Then after 4 months of dating Allyson me and Tamara had a huge fight where she told me she loved me, i was totally shocked Allyson saw this and we had a fight i ended it with her, then dated Tamara, but Tamara by now wanted to ruin Allysons life i was so torn as to know what to do. After many fights me and Allyson stopped talking for a while i was still dating Tamara, then me and Allyson spoke again it was so easy talking to her me and Tamara were fighting and she went to Allyson and told her how i was bitching about her behind her back and i got bitched at by so many girls. But i didn't ever bitch about her, anyway once again i stopped talking to Allyson me and Tamara got real close we always spoke on skype and if she ever needed me i was there even at 3am.

I started to depend on Tamara to make me happy even though it was fake it was just nice to be there for someone and help them,i couldn't help myself so helped others in some way was helping me. I began talking to her as myself,i said i was Chris's auntie, so i told her about my 3 children.But i still posed the whole time i had this one Miley my god she annyed the crap out of me so i blocked her, only to find she had 3 accounts and just hassled me on everyone but i blocked them all. Also cyber sex was huge in posing yes i cybered to me it was just words on a screen i had no feelings really because i was cybering as a man. After a while of dating Tamara me as myself went to Serbia to visit her i had made it so "Chris" was away working we had such a good time,then i came back "Chris" came back to,then she saw Chris's actual Facebook acount and that he was engaged and was a dad,the lie was out.

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