Mala Cara

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words- 1245

I was given the opportunity to feature in a music video with Lola Indigo herself; all I know is that we are the only people in the video. I had been friends with her for years, constantly jumping at the chance to be with her. This will be the first video I am in with her and I do not even know the contents of the video yet. What is it about?

I arrived at the place we would be filming for the week and got ready to film. I was clothed in a vest and jogging bottoms for this particular scene. I knew there was two different scenes we would be filming. I walked to where I had to be and admired the set, it was simple with just a chair and the surrounding area lit by a red light. I was quickly briefed on what I must do as I did not have much choreography; just some head movements etc. I blushed at the thought of what the scene contained and waited silently yet patiently for her. 

I heard a door open then close which marked Mimi's entranced. She was wearing red lingerie which looked amazing on her. I went up to her and hugged her, greeting her as I had not seen her for a couple weeks. We spoke for a while before we got into position to film the scene. She began her part which was very intimate and....very hot. Her body positioned right behind me for a particular part and her mouth moved near my ear. I could feel her breath against me which made me blush slightly. Although it was just a video for her new song, I couldn't help but to enjoy the compromising positions, it made me wonder about what she could do to me when alone...

I snapped out of trance when we finished the scene for now, moving on to the next one that only had a bed, with the area being lit by a white light. Again, I was briefed on my role which made me even more nervous than before. I had to touch her, she would be on top of me...The kind of stuff I dreamed of just for the camera and not as detailed or intimate. We began the scene. She was straddling me and moving against me which I held her waist occasionally rubbing it. Was I in a gay panic the whole time? Yes. Did I wish for more? Also yes.

We soon had finished for the day and went to our cars to return home. That was before I felt a tap on my should which quickly made me turn around so I was face to face with the person. Mimi.

M- "Can I get a ride back? My friend isn't able to pick me up right now."

"Yes of course! Um, just get in the front with me if you want"

 I hope I didn't sound too excited. Did I sound desperate? If I did then Mimi did not notice or she was not bothered by it as she walked round and got in the car, which I quickly did the same, starting up the car and driving back. The car was silent with a different emotion in the atmosphere, what was it? I soon felt a hand on my thigh and looked to the side to see Mimi looking forward. I turned back to the road, trying to concentrate and get Mimi back to hers rather than panic in front of her. That however was difficult when her hand starting going up and down my thigh. I could feel my face heat up and I desperately hoped Mimi does not turn to look at me. My heart started beating a bit quicker due to her action. In the corner of my eye I noticed Mimi smirking, did she know the effect she was having on me? 

M- "Would you mind if we hung out? I have missed you"

It's almost as if she wanted me to panic, like she she knew what she was doing to me.

"Sure, we can go back to mine and watch a film"

M- "Sounds like a plan"

We soon made it back to mine and picked out a film to watch together, I made us a bowl of popcorn for a snack and sat down on the sofa to watch the film. The sofa was quite spacious so we were seated opposite ends; however there was only one blanket and it was quite cold. As it was my idea to watch a film at mine I gave her to blanket and I insisted I was fine. I don't think I could handle sitting directly next to her without her possibly noticing how my heart beats faster near her. 

This did not last too long as I soon started shivering which she noticed.

M- "Come sit next to me love, there's enough blanket for us both"

I blushed at the nickname. Was she trying to kill me? I moved so I was sitting next to her and she wrapped a arm around me. I felt warm like this, safe and secure. She decided she wanted some popcorn and slowly lent over the back to get some. she did it painfully slow with her body being over mine practically. I could see her chest and tried not to stare but failed to do so. I swiftly looked away when she lent back to sit down properly again and seemed to have no popcorn. Did she do that on purpose? 

M- "I saw you looking love"

She smirked while saying this.

"What? No... Um why would I? I didn't look no..."

She grabbed my face and turned my face so I was looking directly at her, she was still smirking at me. 

M- "You admit it you know love?"

"I didn't!"

My heart beat and breathing were both a lot faster and she seemed to notice.

M- "Do I make you nervous, love?"


My face was bound to be covered in a deep blush, giving away my emotions and my thoughts.

M- "How about during the video? Did the way I was against you, moved against you, make you nervous?"

"Um no...Why would it? Like I-"

She moved so she was straddling me and she moved against me which flustered me. She smirked at my actions and lent in so her mouth was next to me ear.

M- "So this doesn't make you nervous?"


M- "My touch doesn't light a fire inside you?"

I tried to look away but she moved my face so I was looking at her again, making eye contact with her. She leaned in so our foreheads were touching, her lips brushing against mine. 


M- "Please what?"

"Please kiss me. Touch me. Do whatever you want with me"

M- "As you wish"

She finally connected our lips and kissed me hungrily. Her hands found the hem of my shirt and they trailed under and up my stomach. She dominated the kiss. She took of my shirt along with hers, breaking the kiss for seconds before reconnecting our lips in a kiss. My hands were on her back, moving downwards before stopping. She lips moved against my neck, kissing it and taking her time forming hickeys. Eventually she looked back into my eyes.

M- "Care to take this into the bedroom and recreate what we did today? Just without clothes?"

I nodded quickly and we both got up, heading to my bedroom. We kissed the whole way there, more articles of clothing being removed and left across the hallway. 

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