New Years Eve

42 0 0

Words- 972

It was that time of year again where everyone would enjoy a sweet kiss from their loved one. It was also the time of year which reminded me how alone I truly am. Every single year I am solely a witness to the kisses yet never the one to be kissed. What makes this worse you may ask? The fact I haven't even had my first kiss yet. Yup, never in my life have I kissed another person on the lips. It's not something I openly admit, for the reason that I would definitely get laughed at. There's no possibility to it, it just would happen if they knew. I just go about and pretend that I only kiss people when in a relationship...which could be true as I don't just kiss people randomly. It may also be true that I haven't even had a real relationship before which again, no one knows about.

The room was rather crowded, with a glass in their hands counting down to midnight. I could barely process my own thoughts with the loud countdown being screamed in the background. 5 minutes. That's all it was until midnight and once again, I have no one to kiss. Can't say I'm surprised though and even if someone were to ask me to be their midnight kiss, I would say no...Unless that person happened to be Mimi. Yeah, the woman who also happens to be my best friend is the only person I want to share a midnight kiss with. The woman who also seems to be standing in front of me right now. Wait what?

Our eyes connected for a brief second before I quickly averted my gaze, already feeling the blush prominent o my face. Why did I have to blush now, in front of her? She smirked and continued to engage in conversation with me, talking about anything that came to any of ours minds, anything that would flow with the conversation at that possible moment.

The cheers got louder indicating 10 seconds from midnight, 10 seconds until I was a witness to the yearly event of a romantic kiss. I sighed and drunk another sip of my drink, as I put my hand down from my mouth, Mimi pushed my hand fully down on the counter, causing me to leave my drink there. I looked at Mimi confused to what she was doing, I was very much enjoying that drink but her hand felt soft yet so dominant, instantly making me comply to her silent request. 

Crowd- "5...4...3...2...1"

With that I was about to avert my eyes so I did not have to drown in loneliness but I was quickly stopped when I felt soft lips on mine which immediately made me close my eyes. The hand on my waist confirmed to me who was kissing me...Mimi. I was so entranced by her, how her lips moved against mine and  how they felt against mine. The kiss was heavenly, not that I could compare it to another as this was my first. Yet I knew this kiss was perfect, it made me melt against her, making me feel weak yet complete. We pulled away from the kiss, our foreheads touching, our hot breath mixing. She smiled and grabbed my hand leading me out of the house and into her car, driving us back to her place. 

Through the whole journey, her hand rested on my thigh. Tension built thick in the cars air, slowly suffocating us. We soon got into her house which she promptly closed the front door behind us and pushed me against it, locking our lips in another kiss. My hands immediately went into her hair, tugging at it whilst her hands roamed my body. I pushed myself further into her body, wanting to feel her closer to me. We pulled away once again. Both of our lips were swollen and full. Her red lips were smudged and had surely left marks against my lips which I accepted. She tilted my head slightly and went into my neck, leaving a trail of kisses down it. The kisses got rougher and left marks on me, claiming me to be hers. My hands were now on her back, trailing lower and lower. She seemed to like my hand placement as she slipped one of her hands under my shirt. She started to lead us into her bedroom and once we were there, she pushed me onto her bed so I was sitting up. I looked up to her with eyes of adoration and desire. Her eyes were dilated with lust and she soon connected our lips once again. This time when she slipped her hand under my shirt, she took it off. One hands rested on my chest while the other cupped my cheek, pulling me closer into the kiss as if we were not close enough already. My hands soon found the way to the hem of her shirt and swiftly took it off too. The sight of her without a shirt made me blush furiously which she noticed and smirked down at me.

M- "Nervous love?"

"I want you"

She laughed softly and continued to take our clothes off until we were only in underwear which made me feel flustered. She pushed me so I was laying on her bed and so that she was straddling me. The only things that could be heard in the room was the sound of our heartbeats and our heavy breathing. Her eyes roamed my body as mine did the same. Admiring her body which was perfectly toned. Her body was amazing, perfect even. She pinned my hands above my head and leant down to kiss me again, her plump lips moving in sync against mine. I desperately wanted to touch her but I couldn't. 

This was going to be one long night...

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