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Words- 832

It was one of those where I felt alone, I knew I wasn't alone physically, I had a large group of friends along with my love. But I still had days where I felt mentally drained. Today was that day. My body felt heavy all over, it begged me not to move, my mind screaming at me to shut everyone out. I knew it wasn't healthy to keep this to myself, but I didn't want to dampen anyone else's mood, to ruin their day with my negativity. So I did what I always did, I looked around the room with that sickening fake smile. The smile that was seemingly bright but never reached my eyes which lacked the usual spark they had. But no one really noticed, they were all wrapped up in their own conversations, laughing occasionally at a joke the other had told. I don't blame them though, if that was me, I would also be too into the conversation to notice anyone else. I so desperately wanted to be back home, wrapped up with Mimi by my side. I knew that wouldn't be happening for at least a few hours which dampened my mood further.  The reminder of the act I had t portray to everyone, the act that everything was fine, that I was mentally there, that I didn't want to break down and cry right there.

I opted to stay in a corner with a drink in my hand which I sipped every few minutes. The liquid flowed through me, refreshing me. My eyes scanned the room to find her. That's when our eyes connected and I smiled at her. Although her smile faltered once she looked at me. Did I not look good enough for her? Negative thoughts swarmed my head and tears threatened to leave my eyes at any given chance. Mimi swiftly made her way towards me and pulled me in for a hug and leaned in to my ear.

M- "Lets get you home my love."

With that, she pulled away while simultaneously grabbing my hand and leading us back to her car so she could take us back home. I felt bad that I was making her leave early, I wanted her to have fun rather than to see me in this kind of mood. Eventually we made it home after a rather quiet journey home. I went straight to our bedroom so I could wrap up and sleep, in a desperate attempt to silence the negative thoughts that would not leave my head no matter how hard I would try. Mimi followed me, not daring to leave me alone, seemingly knowing what was happening inside my own head, the internal battle that seemed to rage on consistently. 

She sat down next to me and pulled me in for a tight hug, not letting me go. I couldn't help myself, the sobs escaped me. Tears ran down my face in silent streams, while the sobs sounded strained. Her hand rubbed my back up and down gently, calming me down ever so slightly. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

I let out between sobs, constantly apologising for my destroyed state that had revealed itself during my vulnerability. She only hugged me tighter, her other hand in my hair, gently running her fingers through it. She whispered words of reassurance into my ear, reminding me of my worth and how much she loves me. 

These were the type of moments that warmed my heart, even in my worst she was there, she would never leave, It never mattered to her how sensitive I could be, how easily I would cry. She stayed by my side, always helping me. I returned the favour, in turn I never left her side through  the rough patches in life. We could always count on each other for comfort and relief. 

I was taken back into reality when I felt soft lips on mine, my tears falling onto my lovers cheeks. She didn't mind, in that moment all she wanted was to help. In that moment all I wanted was her comfort, her love and affection. Our lips moved in sync, my hands rested on her back, scared that she may disappear at any given moment. But that never happened. She was still here. Her lips tasted of strawberries, maybe from the drink she has earlier, maybe from the lip balm she has applied before she left to go to the party earlier. It was my favourite, it comforted me, it made me think of all the happy memories we share. 

After a while, the kiss ended and we were content, the tears had stopped running long before. We laid down in our bed. Her arm lay across my waist and my head on her chest. Our legs intertwined, keeping us together, not that either of us wanted to leave the embrace. We both soon ended up drifting of into a peaceful slumber.

A sleep that provided me with the comfort I desperately craved.

Note- shorter chapter than usual, didn't know what else to write in this. anyway, lola indigo is so hot and probably my favourite celebrity after taylor swift.

Lola Indigo- ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon