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"Josh, put your sister down." Josh placed me back on my feet gently, lowering his head. I figured out pretty quickly who said that because Josh only lowered his head in his presence. I turned around facing our monster of a step father who kept glaring at Josh. I glared back feeling a low boiling in the pit of my stomach that kept rising with each second. "I'm sorry sir." I bowed, "It was all my fault. I promise it won't happen again." I stayed there until he cleared his throat. "Say your final goodbyes and let's get going." He ordered. I grabbed Josh's clenched fist trying to loosen it as we walked to the girls. "I guess this is goodbye, for now." I smiled at them. They were all already crying, wishing they could come along with us. "I'm going to miss you so much Josh and Lani!" Jennie screamed, jumping on Josh and I. I pat her back as she moved back letting Rose and Jisoo say their farewells as well. "Be safe babe." Rose said hugging onto my waist tightly. Jisoo walked in front of me sniffling and wiping at her eyes, "Please make some friends; don't be so anti-social all the time." She smiled and hugged me tightly. Lisa was last to say goodbye, but she had her back to us. I looked at Josh as he nodded. I then walked to Lisa draping my arm over her shoulder as she wiped at her wet eyes. "Oh come on super woman. Don't wimp out on us now." Josh said, half grinning. My eyes started to water seeing how torn Lisa was about our move. "I love you Queen." I hugged her tightly as she choked back her sobs, "We'll call everyday and visit every weekend. Promise?" I stuck my pinky out to Lisa waiting for her to do the same, "Promise..." She mumbled, interlacing her pinky around mine.


I sneaked a look at my phone hoping our stepdad won't notice. It was Josh.

BoyBoy~ :

I don't want to be stuck in this damn car

Watching our mom squirm every two

Fucking seconds...


Me neither, but if we do anything

Something bad is going to happen...


Josh looked up from his phone at me, but I just ignored him and looked out the window.

Two hours later we finally made it to Seoul Korea. The moving van was scheduled to arrive at least thirty minutes before us, but something delayed them and now they wouldn't be able to come until next week. "Aw this is just great!" Charlie walked into the house, slamming the door in our faces. My mother didn't know what to do. She was too afraid to even open the door when he got like this. "Mom, come on.." Josh gently grabbed a hold of Mom's arm. She flinched violently, pushing Josh to the floor. "Don't ever touch me!" She cried. I quickly went to help Josh up off the floor as our mom walked into the house. "You good big bro?" I asked. He gave a playful smirk to hide the hurt in his eyes, "I could get used to 'Big Bro' from you." He chuckled, completely ignoring my question. I pushed his head gently, smiling at him, "In your dreams, Little dude." I insulted. Playing along was way better than actually admitting that you were hurt. We knew that better than anyone.

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