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I watched as the waitress was walking over to us. I was excited that we were finally going to put our orders in, but then something happened. "Hey, what's going on over there?" I pointed at the front of the restaurant. The guy from earlier had stopped the waitress and now was talking to her. He leaned down, his mouth against her ear, making her giggle as she stared at him with adoration. She nodded, looking into his eyes with a sweet smile as he took her notepad and continued walking over to our table. He had a smug smile on his face keeping his eyes only on me the whole time. "Hi, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I will be your waiter today." I rolled my eyes and looked out the window next to me, ignoring him. "Lani..." Josh tapped my hand, pulling me out of my daydream. I looked at him irritated, which he ignored and nodded his head slightly towards Jungkook mouthing "Don't be rude." I looked at Jungkook and smiled my best sarcastic smile I could pull, "Hi," he smiled back, obviously amused. His eyes were very attractive. They were a warm liquidy kind of dark brown that could stop anyone's heartbeat if you just kept staring into them. I noticed that I had been staring way too long at this point. I shook my head, closing my eyes to get rid of his perfect features and chiseled jawline, "What?" I asked. Jungkook chuckled softly and looked at Josh who was now smirking at me, excitement filling his eyes. "I'll just order then." Josh laughed. I shrunk down deeper into my seat, wanting to be invisible from both my brother and Jungkook's eyes.

"What was that about sis?" Josh asked right after Jungkook left our table. I shrugged, "I don't know what you're referring to..." I looked out the window again, distracting myself by counting the cars passing by. I heard Josh laugh as he tugged the sleeve of my jacket, "Don't play dumb," I glared at him. He put his hands in the air and shrugged with a smug smirk permanently plastered on his face, "I'm just saying, if you're interested...." I threw my napkin at his face only causing more laughter out of him. I felt as my cheeks were getting hot, "Oh my gosh," he pinched my right cheek, "you're even blushing." I stood up, leaning over the table, hitting Josh on his arm as he laughed louder getting everyone's attention. "If you say anything, I swear on mom, I will kill you Jung Joshua." I exclaimed, hitting him some more. "You know, we don't allow violence in our restaurant." I looked up seeing that Jungkook had come back to the table with two pizzas and drinks on a tray. He was smiling at me as I sat back down in my seat, embarrassed. Once I was in my seat, he placed our orders on the table, "One medium Veggie pizza with a pink lemonade," he presented my food in front of me with a sly smirk, "and one medium four cheese pizza with a diet coke." he then presented Josh his food, quickly turning his smirk into a very polite smile. Josh returned his smile. "If you need anything else, please let me know." He bowed and turned to walk away. "Hold on," Josh said with an evil smirk as Jungkook turned around, "I do have another question, for my sis." he pointed at me who just stared at him with disbelief. Jungkook looked at me, a confused expression stuck on his face. I hid my face behind my hands, getting ready to be embarrassed. "Are you single? If so, how old are you? And would you be interested in this fine young lady sitting across from me?" He blurted out not letting Jungkook answer any of the questions. I sunk deeper into the chair trying to make myself disappear from this place. I peeked through my fingers after hearing nobody talk for a while and saw that Jungkook was writing down on a piece of paper with a small smile on his face. When he was done writing, he gave Josh the piece of paper and nodded toward me, "Give that to her for me." He smiled at me once more before walking to the back disappearing behind the brick walls of the restaurant. A few seconds after I was sure Jungkook disappeared to the back of the restaurant, I uncovered my face. I glared at Josh feeling my temper rising when he didn't look back. He was fanboying over the paper Jungkook had given him, not taking his eyes off the paper until he was done reading it. "You can thank me later." He smirked victoriously, handing me the small piece of paper. I snatched it from him letting my curiosity get the best of me. I unfolded the piece of paper, surprised to see how neat and clear his handwriting was that I almost forgot to read it. The paper answered all the questions that Josh had asked him earlier.

Name: Jeon Jungkook

Age: 17

Number: xxx-xxx-xxxx

I was interested in you from the moment you walked through those doors. Hopefully you will text or call me as soon as you get home. My Fingers are crossed. P.S. I prefer you call so I can enjoy the sound of your voice, but I'm fine with whatever you're comfortable with.

See you around cutie,

Jeon Jungkook.

Instead of Jungkook giving us our check, the waitress from earlier brought it over. She had a bright smile that reached her eyes and very beautiful long hair. She was stunningly gorgeous. "What happened to Jungkook?" Josh asked. The waitress instantly frowned, side eyeing me the whole time she was talking to Josh. "Have a good day," she threw the check in front of me and gave me a sarcastic smile, "I hope you never come back." Josh just laughed at her as she walked away, "Now that's bad customer service." He chuckled, grabbing crumpled up bills out of his pocket, throwing it on top of the receipt. "Should we report her?" I joked. I'm guessing he felt a bit victorious for hooking me up with Jungkook that he didn't mind paying anymore. "Nah," He waved his hand as if hitting a volleyball, "she was just jealous." It was my turn to laugh now. Josh looked me up and down with a creepy smirk on his face, stopping my laughter. "I mean, I wouldn't blame her..." He mumbled. I reached across the table, getting ready to hit, "You know, we are some gorgeous looking twins." He smiled at me as I flicked his forehead. "I'm definitely getting you back." I threatened, gathering my stuff to walk out. We walked out of the restaurant being greeted by the chilly air as it blew in our faces. I quickly wrapped my jacket around my body, rubbing my arms to keep warm. "Let's head home." Josh said, blowing into his hands. I followed behind him as he took the lead. "Yeah..."

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