Whalien High

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I had to end the call with Lisa to get ready to go to the school, but don't worry, I told her about everything that happened last night. I even sent her a photo of the letter. She squealed over the letter for a whole hour, telling me that I need to call him right now. Which totally reminded me that I do need to call him, but he would have to wait a few more days. I wasn't ready just yet. Mom and Charlie weren't up yet either which was strange, but I could hear a low creak from above me. Hopefully I could get Josh and I to the car before Charlie comes downstairs. It's okay now that I can drive my car, but I still want to be out of the house before Charlie even wakes up. Josh also knows how to drive, but he didn't want to get his license; this was his way of disobeying Charlie at the time. So, Charlie forbade him from driving since he hasn't gotten his license yet. Now I'm the one who has to drive everywhere and honestly that's even more exhausting than walking. Especially when you wake up earlier than you intended to.

Charlie got me a car last year, but wouldn't let me use it until our seventeenth birthday; which passed two months ago. Don't you dare think that was nice. He only bought it for me to make Josh upset. It's like he intentionally takes jabs at Josh trying to make him more submissive with each jab he makes. And honestly, it's working. "Josh," I opened his door a crack, hoping I didn't catch him changing. The door swung open revealing a fully dressed Josh. "Let's go." He pushed past me, heading towards the front door. He grabbed my backpack on the floor, swinging his around his shoulder and grabbed my keys off the hook. "Come on, we're gonna be late." I ran after him as he rushed out the front door. Josh walked to the driver's seat, getting into the car, and slamming the door behind him. I quickly got into the passenger's seat closing the door right behind me, "You're driving?" He gave me a look like I just asked the world's most idiotic question. "Of course, I am." He replied bluntly and started the engine. I buckled myself in and shrugged. I didn't really care if he drove or not, as long as he didn't scratch up my car. I hit the glove box, "Let's hit the road."

We got to the school fifteen minutes later and to be honest, Josh drives like a pro. It's like he was born with a gift to drive; he should have a career that solely only consists of driving. "Why didn't you tell me you could drive so well." I exclaimed, hitting him on his shoulder. He just laughed and got out of the car, tossing me the keys before I could even close the car door. "Let's just say, I was letting you get some practice." He walked towards the school with a smug grin, leaving me standing next to the car dumbfounded. "Yah! Get back here!" I chased after him toward the school.

I couldn't believe a school could be this big until I stepped inside of this one. This school was humongous. There were big bold letters reading "Whalien high" above the entrance of the building and a beautiful water fountain a few feet in front of the entrance. "I think we just hit the jackpot of all schools." Josh mumbled. I don't think he meant for me to hear him, but I did anyway. "Shepards High wasn't all that bad." I defended. Josh chuckled, still staring at the school in adoration. "Yeah right." I grabbed my backpack out of Josh's hands, "You're an idiot.." I grumbled as I walked past Josh. He followed right behind me into the school building and, believe it or not, it was even bigger inside. They even have a statue of a whale in the middle of a spiral stairwell that leads to the second floor. "Okay, maybe we did hit the jackpot." I admitted. Josh smiled at me, fluffing the top of my head as he took the lead. "I think the office is in the back," Josh looked around the building, "All we have to do is find an exit." I laughed. He ignored me and looked around the empty building for an exit. "Let's go..." he looked around some more, "that way." He pointed down a long hallway uncertain. I grabbed the back of his bag, pulling him down the opposite hallway, "they have signs, leading you to the office." I pointed toward the ceiling where a sign hung. "Oh yeah..." he chuckled dumbfounded, letting me take the lead.

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