Gym Class

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"Hello, you must be the Jung twins." I nodded my head at the receptionist behind the desk. She gave me a warm smile before looking back at her computer. Her fingers moved quickly over the keyboard, as she typed something into her computer. "Just one second, and I'll have your schedules printed." I nodded again and turned to Josh. He was looking around the small office, "This is probably the smallest room in this whole school." He said when I sat down next to him. "Well we've really only been in the main building," I pointed out, "plus, we don't even know where the cafeteria is." Josh agreed to what I was saying, but he was still looking around the office. There isn't really anything to look at, just a bunch of bland papers that had inspirational quotes at the bottom. "You are my sunshine." Josh read aloud. He was looking at a poster on the other side of the room. Although the quote was bland, the picture was colorful. It had two suns hiding behind trees and a rainbow between them. But what really impressed me was the mash of color around the suns. There was a signature in the corner of the poster, probably the artist's. It looked familiar, but I couldn't really read it. "Ms. Jung?" The receptionist called, snapping me back into reality. I quickly got up, heading over to her desk, "Here are you and your brother's schedules," she handed me two half sheets of paper with me and Josh's name written across the top. "We tried our best to get you two in the same classes." She gave an apologetic smile. "Thank you so much." I bowed before returning back to Josh. "Here," I handed him his paper, "we got periods one through five together, but six and seven are different." I said, scanning over my schedule one more time. Josh stood up, linking his arm in mine as he dragged me towards the front door of the office. "We still got time to explore," He stated excitedly. I smiled, "Let's check out the cafeteria first." He groaned, stopping in his tracks. I pulled him along with me, following signs to the cafeteria, "I hope it's huge."

The bell rang before we even found the cafeteria. The arrows just kept pointing in different directions. We even saw a sign that had two cafeterias, but the arrows pointed opposite directions. "Oh my gosh! They have two cafaterias." I squealed. Josh had to pull me by my backpack to class because I wanted to find both cafeterias. "Come on, the bell already rang." Don't worry, we made it to class on time, but I wish we got here way earlier. The class was already filled with students, chatting in their circles. Nobody paid any attention to our arrival seeing that they were too busy chatting amongst themselves. "This looks like something pulled out of glee." Josh whispered in my ear. He was right though, each circle had a similar style. The cheerleaders and jocks were in the same area and the drunks and nerds were on the other side, but none of them ever merged into a different circle. They kept amongst their group, glancing every now and then at the other groups. "Yeah, it's kind of freaking me out." I shook dramatically, making Josh laugh. "Okay students, have a seat." Josh and I looked at the door, watching a young lady; probably in her early twenties, enter the room with high authority. "Today, we have been given two new students." She gestured to us. I instantly felt everyone's eyes stare at me as they took their seats. I slowly turned my head to the class, afraid of meeting their eyes. Yeah, big mistake. "Hello, I'm Jung Joshua," Josh bowed with an easy smile before pointing at me, "and this is my twin sister Jung Lani." I bowed, smiling politely at the class. "Thank you for the introduction, I'm sure you have familiarized yourselves with my name and the class." She smiled at us. I didn't know what her name was or what class we were in at the moment. Josh had to drag me here when I wouldn't stop daydreaming about there being a possibility of two cafeterias. "Yes Ms. Min," Josh bowed, "We know that you are our homeroom teacher." It was my turn to bow now. Ms. Min looked at me; more like glared, when I didn't say anything. All I could do was give her a sheepish smile since I wasn't being a good example. She dismissed me entirely at that point, only talking to Josh now. "Our only available seats are here in the front and the back," She pointed out both seats. I could tell that she wanted Josh to sit in the front by the way she smiled at him when she pointed it out to us. "Yes ma'am." Josh took the seat right in front of Ms. Min's desk, pleasing her even more, "You have chosen wisely, Mr. Jung." She praised. I still stood in front of the class, waiting for her to acknowledge me. She just glanced at me and nodded to the desk in the back. "You may take your seat, Ms. Jung." She frowned. I bowed my head as I walked down the aisle to my seat. "Well this is just great." I mumbled.

"I can't believe I am already disliked by our homeroom teacher." I exclaimed as Josh and I walked through the hallways to find our lockers. Mine was closer to our homeroom and like a good brother, Josh waited for me to pack my stuff inside. "It's like I have a tag on my back saying, 'hate me at your own risk.'" I was irritated because Ms. Min kept calling on me to figure out the problem on the board. When I made a mistake, she would call on Josh to fix my mistakes. It was so annoying, especially when she would smirk at me while complimenting Josh on how well he did. "Nah, she just likes me and my handsome face more." Josh smoldered. I hit his shoulder making him laugh, "Yah, I was just playing around." He pushed my shoulder lightly, trying to make me smile, but I wasn't in the mood for games right now. Our teacher despises me and now she wants me to write her a one page essay about "Being present when in class". Oh, but the best part is that it's due by the next time I'm in her class, which is freaking seventh period! I slammed my locker closed making Josh straighten up. "Let's go." I walked ahead of him.

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