2 | Symphonica Party

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August 16th, 2047

Currently, Akiri is at a gas station in the middle of a secluded area, filling up his car with fuel.

After waiting for the fuel tank to be filled, he places the nozzle back to the pump and went towards the passenger side window where Fantaisie is waiting quietly inside.

"I'm going to the store. You want anything?" He asked.

"Anything would be fine."

"Alright." He said before walking inside the gas station store.

After a few minutes, he walked outside the store carrying a small plastic bag, as well as two hotdogs.

"Here. Extra hot sauce." He said, handing over the hotdog with an excessive amount of red sauce on it, to the point that the bun is completely soaked with the sauce.

She took the food from him. "Thank you." She then started eating her hotdog as if the abundance of hot sauce isn't a bother to her, rather, she seemed to enjoy it more as a smile grew on her face.

"I still don't get how you can handle spicy things..." Akiri commented, taking a bite of his own hotdog that had only the basic toppings.

"What do you mean?" She asked while still chewing her food and with her head slightly tilted.

"Nevermind... And don't talk with your mouth full." He said with a sigh and the two continued consuming their small meal.

After they are done, they cleaned themselves a little before Akiri started up the car and he drives off, continuing their journey.

"This isn't the planned route to our location." Fantaisie said as she turns her head towards him.

"How did you know?"

"You told me to study the map." She replied and she pulled out a large map and unfolded it. "Continuing through this road will add another forty-one minutes to our journey. May I ask your reasoning behind the detour?" She asked.

"The Symphonica Party is coming to a nearby town this morning and tomorrow as well. There will be music, and that means there's a high chance of D2 showing up..." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

Along the trip, Fantaisie noticed that he would occasionally shake his head to keep himself awake, and even sometimes giving his face a light slap. With his shoulders slumped, he then released a yawn and Fantaisie decided to call it out.

"Maestro. You haven't slept in the last twenty-nine hours. I suggest that we stop to take a rest."

"I don't have time for that. We only have an hour until the festival starts. We can't be late." He said.


"I'll be fine. Quit worrying about small things like this." He waves her off as he kept on driving despite him clearly feeling exhausted. Fantaisie kept looking at him with a worried expression.


"You're detecting any D2 yet?" Akiri asked.

"Negative. The area seems clear." Fantaisie answered.

Currently, the two are at the top of a tall building, overlooking the ongoing festival. Fantaisie was sitting on the ledge, while Akiri is standing next to her with his arms crossed.

"This is a festival?" Fantaisie whispered as she was looking at the sights with looks of fascination on her face.

The venue is loud and festive, with children laughing happily, playing around, with their parents struggling to keep them in check. A variety of carnival rides and attractions are littered around the area.

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