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"Why couldn't you be your best friend. I hate that you are not him. 

"I hate this so much too. Why couldn't I be quicker and beat him to it and I hate to put him through this because he is a great guy and he loves you Miranda. He tries so hard to make it work with you and I hate that he's my family. I don't want to hurt him but I can't let you go. You mean the world to me." Ben sighed.

"You mean everything to me too Ben." Miranda whispered grabbing his hand.

Two months passed and Miranda didn't hear from Michael. The only time he crossed her mind is when the stranger did.

Miranda got ready for work, putting on jeans and a blue Seattle Grace shirt. "Come on why all of this traffic. I got places to be." Miranda yelled to no on in particular.

Miranda saw two ambulances and a firetruck fly pass her and her eyes widen as they stopped at the traffic ahead of her. Something told her that it was a major accident ahead.

Miranda hopped out of her car after cutting it off and she went to her trunk. She grabbed her trauma medical first aid kit and threw it on her shoulder. Callie laughed at her when she bought this huge kit, saying she only needed a regular first aid kit but Miranda thought differently. If she was ever in an accident. She didn't want to be wanting on someone to save her life or her sons. She wanted to be able to help.

Miranda quickly shut her trunk and locked her car door putting her keys in her pocket.

She walked up to the yellow tape and her eyes widen. It was a car accident between a truck and a Van. The van had many passengers and so did the Truck.

"Ma'am you can't cross this line." A police officer said as he kept the crowd back.

"I'm a surgeon at Seattle Grace hospital. I can help" Miranda told him.

"Kim." Miranda called out to one of her regular EMTS that came through the hospital.

"Oh Doctor Bailey...you can let her through." Kim said and Miranda moved the rope over her head and jumped into action.

She began assisting and helping. "Dr. Bailey." Someone called out and Miranda looked around squinting her eyes to see exactly who it was and she was shocked to see Michael standing behind the yellow tape.

"Come on through." Miranda yelled. She need assistance.

"What kind of doctor are you?" Miranda questioned.

"I am an emergency physician." He stated and Miranda nodded.
He was an E.r. Doctor.

"Okay great come, this woman's lung collapsed and we are going to need to intubate or she won't make it."

"Can we do that right here?" He questioned.

"I have the tools and the skills so sure we can."

"Honey, everything is going to be okay. I'm going to help you. Don't be scared." Miranda told the young girl who nodded weakly.
Miranda intubated her and connected it to the small oxygen tank he had in her bag. This would be enough for her to get to the hospital.

She walked around still helping others as much as she could. Miranda knew that when she got to the hospital that she was going to have to perform surgery on the collapsed lung and the injured kidney.

Miranda grabbed her bag, ready to go to her car to follow down behind the ambulance.

"Wait Dr. Bailey."

Miranda turned to see Michael.

"Hey." She greeted once again.

"Hey, I wanted to tell you that you were beautiful and great out there."

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