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"Hey Ben. I was seeing if you wanted to go play some ball."

"I Uh..." Ben stumbled.

"I tried to call Miranda to see if she wanted a breakfast date but I think she had a long night. She didn't answer my call." Michael explained.

Miranda heard Ben say Michael and she got out of the bed quickly wrapping a sheet around her. She looked around the room for her clothes. Checking to make sure nothing was discarded in his living room for her boyfriend to notice was hers. Her purse was in his bed room, her dress, her under clothes but her heels?

Miranda looked around and remembered she'd kicked them off on the way in but they were new so he wouldn't know they were hers so this was good.

This was the most scariest and craziest thing she has ever done and been in. She was stuck in the house of a man she had sex with, while her boyfriend was at the door because he again was best friends with her new sex partner. Miranda paced the floor palming her head. She was in deep shit.
Ben looked back at the bed room as he heard the floor creek.

"Wow you have been in Seattle all of what a month and you already have a girl in your bed." Michael teased.

"Uh yeah, I met her last night on the Yacht." Ben lied scratching the back of his head.

"Well from the looks of it, she look like she wore you out." Michael laughed causing Ben to give a strained and fake chuckle.

"Yeah, she was amazing and she did."

"That's how I felt when I first slept with Miranda. She is good."

Ben coughed uncomfortably. "Well let me get back to her and then yeah we can meet for ball around two if that's okay with you " Ben said

"Yeah man just call me." Michael said as he walked out of the entrance area back to the front door before leaving all together.

As soon as the door closed Ben walked back to the room to find Miranda dressed looking around.

"What are you doing."
"I just need to get my heels so I can leave."

"What?! Why?" Ben questioned intently.

"What do you mean why? Why was just at your door less than two minutes ago. I'm not doing this with you Ben."

"And why the fuck did you put all these hickies every where." Miranda gestured to the top of her breast and collar bone.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away, it was just so good and you were good. I was only thinking in pleasure not about what tomorrow would hold." Ben explained running his hand over his face.

Miranda knew exactly what he meant. Everything did get carried away. Hell she shouldn't even have yelled at him when she let him put them there. Everything was extraordinary. It was oh so good.

She never had sex in this many positions in her life. One of her favorite was sitting directly in his lap. Her back laying against his chest as he gripped and palmed both of her breast as she moved on top of him, both of them staring directly into the mirror connected to his dresser or maybe it was when they were still in that position and he leaned them back. One of his hands snaked up to her neck and the other in between her legs swiping her button of pleasure or maybe it was the position of her laying flat on her stomach, hands gripping the sheets as he was positioned behind her and pounding into her like he had lost his mind and found it inside of her. His hands covering hers and his mouth right beside or biting her ear as he moved. He asked her multiple times that night who's was it and she gladly called out to him that it was his.

Miranda opened her eyes, that she didn't realized was closed and came back to reality. "I know right. Amazing. I went there too." Ben commented sitting down on the edge of his bed. Miranda walked over and sat down beside him too.

Ben reached over and started at the zipper of her dress again. "B-ben." Miranda whispered softly.

"No, sex. I just want to look at you." Ben said and she nodded as the zipper came down and she shrugged her shoulder to let the straps fall. Miranda stood so that it could come off all together and it pooled at her feet. Miranda's hair was a little wild from their activities last night along with being sweated out but he could tell she tried to tame it and put it back up. Ben reached up and undid her up do watching the barely curls fall down and his eyes casted over everything.  "Jesus." He whispered in appreciation.

Ben took in the love marks on her skin. Her hips were bruised from his tight grip on them as they sexed.

Miranda stood watching his eyes intently. Ben pulled her close by her thighs as her belly button was now directly by his mouth. He kissed it before kissing down.

"What!?" Miranda yelped as he pulled her while leaning back allowing her to fall on top of him.

Ben reached for the covers that were half way off the bed, probably from Miranda sitting up so fast when she heard Michael. He pulled it over them and Miranda snuggled into his neck.

"I need to go Ben. "

"Miranda it's only 8am. I won't go see him until 2. Just lay here with me until about 12." Ben pleaded.

"Fine but you need to be making brunch by 11 because I'm going to be extremely hungry from the calories we burned last night." Miranda stated contently. Rubbing her nose into his neck. Ben slid his hands down her body reaching her butt and he rubbed and massaged her until he heard her lightly snoring causing him to drift off as well.

Ben woke up two hours later and he carefully slid Miranda off of him and he walked to the kitchen to make breakfast like she asked.
He was in deep thought the entire time. Guilt starting to really creep in at what he had done.  Him and Michael had a 15 year friend ship. He wished he could say he regretted it but he didn't. Not one minute of what he had done with Miranda. He had no remorse. Well sure, he felt bad because that was his best friend but other than that major factor nope.

Miranda rolled over and she smelled bacon. She wanted to be nervous and scared about everything she had done and she slightly was. What would this mean for her, for them.

What kind of woman had she become. She wasn't the kind of woman that cheated at all. Not physical nor emotional. She knew what it felt like to be cheated on and now she was doing it right to someone else. Why did doing wrong feel so right

Miranda stood in his mirror and she dropped the sheets again looking at her own frame in the mirror.

She turned a little, looking at herself from a different angle, and caught the sight of some new marks on her body that she knew would soon fade, but in this moment she admired them...thoughts, and feelings, and moments and whispers of adoration and devotion imprinted onto her skin by a man she barely knew and while neither of them have ever felt like this before or knew what is was . They expressed what ever it was wholeheartedly in a physical way, and looking at her body now, with the memory of Ben's worshiping touch fresh in her mind, she found nothing there to feel guilty about.

Ben had reacted to seeing her awe, admiration, and arousal.
With a delicate touch, Miranda traced over a love bite, a bit below her collar bone on the top of her breast, and a small bruise forming on her hip where in their passion they had gripped onto one another a little too tight. Being with Ben felt like breathing and drowning at once; it was scary, and heady, and all-consuming, but also tender and nourishing, sustaining, and fulfilling.

Miranda put on one of Ben's shirts and grabbed a pair of sweat pants out of his drawer along with some of his socks and she walked into the living room.

"Good afternoon." Miranda greeted.

Ben smiled and looked her up and down. "Good afternoon beautiful." Ben greeted as she sat at the counter and he slid a plate in front of her.

"Hot tea, coffee, or orange juice?"

"Coffee is fine."

"Cream and sugar?" Ben asked.

"Uh huh. Two of each." Miranda said as she prayed over her food.

Ben made them coffee and then sat beside her.

The two began to talk about everything under the sun. "You did what?" Ben questioned.

"I climbed trees to read books." Miranda blushed. "Don't laugh at me I was really a nerd and that was when I was most content." Miranda explained.

"I think that is so cute. Glasses look like they would fit you now Miranda. You would look sexy with glasses." Ben commented leaning close. Unnerving her. This man made her nervous like never before. She felt like a teenage girl talking to her crush.

"I wear them at home. Reading but classes is a hazard in the o.r." Miranda explained.

"I understand. Miranda you are literally the modern day superwoman."

"Maybe brain wise but not body wise. Do you see how she is depicted in the comics." Miranda scuffed.

"Yeah it's very outdated. It's what society's deemed as beautiful back then but now if I was them I would have drawn you. Brain, beauty, sexy, breast, ass, thighs, courageous and brave and sensitive. Miranda you are wonder woman. You save lives. There should be a comic book about you."

"And what would it be called." Miranda asked leaning into him her lips close by his.

"You know how. Barba Gordon, Jessica Jones, Emma Frost. Jean Grey. They all kept there names. So Miranda Bailey is fine unless eventually you take my last name."

"They all had names Ben, Bara Gordon-The Oracle, Jessica Jones- knightress or Jewel. Jean Grey-Phoenix.

"So you clearly watched them all in detail." Ben chuckled.

"So what's my name?"

"Agent sweet." Ben responded causing Miranda to laugh loudly.

"There is nothing sweet about me."

"Oh yes there is." Ben clarified licking lips looking between her legs causing her to gasp.
"Dr. Bad ass." Ben informed her and Miranda laughed smirking.

"I like that a lot." She mused kissing his lips.

Ben pulled her closer until she was in his lap. "Doctor Badass is good but Dr. Bailey is magnificent. Your already a super hero." Ben informed her palming her butt.

Ben took a shower and got dressed and then he dropped Miranda off home. He stopped to the store to grab a Gatorade and drove over to the gym, parking in the parking lot close by the out door basketball hoops.

"Hey." Ben called out to Michael as he walked closer to the court.

"Hey." Michael responded and he threw the ball to Ben, who bounced it on the ground and took it out of bounds, and passed it back to Michael, checking the ball.

The two began to play a serious game back and forth.

"So Miranda finally called me and she said that this week she had a really busy schedule so we wouldn't be able to go out or come over this whole week." Michael said as he guarded Ben from the hoop.

"Do you think she's ghosting me because yesterday really was not like her to return my calls last night or this morning. She didn't call me until around 1 and I know she was off today."

"Perhaps she really is busy. She's a surgeon. I think it's nice that she informed you up front of what her week was going to look like." Ben responded.

"I don't have a problem with her schedule. I know what I sighed up for when I asked her to be my girl friend. Even though she has a busy schedule, she's never just said that I won't see her for about a week. We still normal each lunch or something. I just care about our relationship and I don't want it to change." Michael explained and Ben nodded taking a shot.

He knew that she only told him that because of the bruises on her hip and the hickies on her body and there was the guilt coming back full surface.

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