Chapter 6: Hermit... What?

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New chapter of: "My Favorite hermit" has arrived.
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Daily checklist
-did you eat atleast 3 meals today?
-did you drink water today?
-did you do something that makes you happy?
-did you state 5 things that you like about yourself?
-did you say "i love myself" today?

That was it, i hope you checked of the things on the list!
Onto the story!

authors note:
hey uhm- sorry for not updating, i took a break since my mental health & grades we're both at a really bad point-
i hope to update more often but can't make promises they'll be quick...

y/n's pov:

"HEY. Griannnn. what'ya doing?" they popped their head up from between his barriers. "GAH- y/n you scared me!" he smiled i was just-" a minecart rolled in from a looong railway. i'm not sure where it goes...
"oh look! mumbo send a message!" and... that's where the trail goes.
"huh- that's weird..." "what's weird? something in the chest?" "yea... it's just a note saying "meet me here" with a sapling with some coörds.."
"well- let's go there then!" they exclaimed, Grian looked at them, "excited much?" chuckling "let' go then, let's not keep Mumbi waiting!" smiling he pulled them by their hand and pulled them towards the jungle.

"oooooh Mumbo? where are you???" they've been walking around for about 30 minutes in what seemed like circles. "Grian, you sure we're in the right place?" "y-yes! it must be... we just need to go right here. now left... now straight and..." they bumped into some sort of altar, witha bell and a firepit in the middle. Grain smirked as to say "i told you i knew where i was going." and walked onto of it. "Grian- i don't think." "what is this?" he said while ringing the bell. "hey y/n come up here! ring the bell!" "i don't think..." "don't worry! nothing happened-"

right as Grian said that they heard mumbo scream from your chat buzzer.


My favorite hermit (Grian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now