Chapter 4

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-Avi's POV

I walked out of the room, leaving little, Ellie on the couch. "Hey Av- I mean Mr. Kaplan! Do you think it's time to adopt?" The woman said, smiling as I walked over to the counter. "I think so. She's perfect." I replied, looking over to the room where Ellie was. "Wait here for a second!" She said, and ran off to go get the adoption papers.

I decided to text Scott and tell him to get Liz out of school early. I didnt want her to come home and there magically be a new little girl in the house with her not knowing anything about it.

-Avi: Hey. I found her. Her name is Elizabeth.

-Scott: Elizabeth!? We have to find a nick name. We cant have a Liz and an Elizabeth!

-Avi: Chill out. She likes to be called Ellie. She's three (and three quarters)

-Scott: I'm so happy for you. Liz is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. What does she look like?

-Avi: She's got some of the biggest blue eyes. She has almost the exact same color hair as Liz. By the way, I would go ahead and check Liz out of school. This is important.

-Scott: I'll get Mitch to go get her. She'll be so excited! See you soon!

I put my phone back in my pocket, as the woman walked back into the room with the papers. "Thank you." I said, taking the papers from her hand. I walked back into the room that Ellie was in, and started to fill out the papers.

-Mitch's POV

"It's official. Avi is getting a little girl." Scott said, putting down his phone after texting Avi. "Really? How old is she? Whats her name?" Kirstie instantly started flooding him with questions.

"She's three, and her name is Ellie." He said, and everyones face went into a "to cute" expression. "At least he wont have to raise her through her terrible two's." Kirstie said, and I shook my head. "Liz was way worse at three than she was at two. Remember when she got into the Nutella..."

Everyone nodded, remembering the time when she was alone in the living room. She made her way to the kitchen, got a step-stool, and started to dig into the Nutella. "It was everywhere. She probably still has Nutella in her hair from that." Scott said, and we all laughed.

"Mitch, can you go check Liz out of school? I want her here for this." Scott said to me, and I nodded. "Sure. She'll be excited to know she's getting some type of sibling."

"You can take her somewhere to eat and explain everything to her. Avi won't be home with Ellie for around another hour." Scott said, and I nodded, grabbing my wallet off of the counter. I walked to the door, and left to go to the school.

I pulled up to the front of the school, and took off my sunglasses. I unhooked my seatbelt, and opened the door. I was nervous. How do you tell a six year old that all of a sudden there's going to be another little girl in the house? I finally got out of the car and walked to the front of the school. I opened the large door, and walked to the front office.

When I walked in, I was greeted by the school secretary. "Hello! What can I do for you?" She said, setting down the phone she was talking on previously. "I need to check Liz Hoying out." I told her, and she looked at a list of names of students and teachers. She found Liz's name, and put her teacher on over the intercom.

"Ms. Heavner?" she said, holding down a button attached to a small microphone. "Yes?" The teacher replied quickly, and you could hear kids talking quietly in the background. "Do you have Liz Hoying?" "I do." "She is being checked out." "I'll send her up there!" the teacher said back, and the woman took her finger off of the button.

After about five minutes, Liz showed up in the office with her bookbag. "Bubba? What are you doing here?" She asked me, not knowing why she was being checked out. "We have some stuff to do." I said, taking her hand and leading her out of the office.

"Stuff like?" I looked down at her sparkling eyes. "You'll see. Daddy will explain, ok?" Liz nodded and I smiled, wondering how she would deal with another little girl.

-Scott's POV

Liz and Mitch just got home. "Scott, can you explain to Liz why she was pulled out early today?" Mitch asked me. "You're her dad, so I felt like it would make sense if you were the one to explain the situation to her." I nodded and Liz came to give me a hug.

"Hey, Liz, you know how you were pulled out of school today?" I started, not sure how she'd react. "Duh." she said sassily and we all laughed. "Well, Avi is getting a little girl too, so you'll be like a big sister!" I said with a gentle smile, crouching down to her level, which by the way was a long way for me to travel.

At first a look of confusion was spread across her features, no was replaced by happiness. "Yay! Someone to play with!" Liz exclaimed, filled with joy. Even though she looked happy on the outside, deep down she was still probably confused.

While we waited for Avi to come back, we sang songs. Liz was unusually quiet though. When asked, she just shrugged it off. Finally, Avi came back. "Guys, I would like you all to meet Ellie." he said and moved out of the door frame. A small child appeared from behind him, and we all burst into "awwws" and "so cutes."

-Avi's POV

I stepped aside and let Ellie walk in to meet the rest of the group. "Hi!" she said enthusiastically, obviously really excited. Everyone was so quick to meet her that I thought they would scare her. Boy, was I wrong. Ellie loved the attention.

We talked and got to know Ellie a lot better, then she decided she wanted to play with Liz. Trying to be nice, Liz got her dolls and the two started playing together.

I thought they got along pretty well until Ellie noticed Liz's scar. "Why there line on your face?" she asked, pointing to Liz's left cheek.

"Umm, Ellie, I think that's enough for now, ok?" I said and snatched her up quickly. I was to late. I saw the look of anger grow on Liz's face, and she clenched her fists.

"Scott!" I called out, desperate for Liz to calm down. He came rushing in and saw the anger in Liz's face. "What happened?" He whispered to me. I told him quickly and he bent down to pick up Liz.

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