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"I swear ta literally- where da 'ell be my toolbox?" Layla grumbled. "I left it in da garage, it should BE in da garage, so why in balls name is it not IN da garage?!"

The cords came in for the generator, but Layla's having a hard time looking for her tools... Not too sure who thinks it's a good idea to constantly bang on Layla's front door, but someone seems to think that's a good idea and it's angering her so much.

With the wrath of a thousand, she swung open her front door.

"WHAT IS IT!?!" she roared. Yes, P03 was watching and listening; he wasn't too sure what to think besides NOT wanting to be on the receiving end. "WHAT IN LITERAL FUCK'S NAME IS SO INPORTANT DAT YA GOTTA TRY AN' DENT MY DOOR!?!"


Oh boy... It didn't land on her, but the fact Layla was nearly punched in the face...

"Okay, WHAT... THE HELL?..."

"That is no way of talking to your husband!" said the guy.

"For christs' sake... I am not your wife, YA JACK!!!"

"Aw, you remembered my name, Poopkins~"

I feel like throwing up...

Layla tried to slam the door shut, but Jack got inside. A fight took place until  Layla had knocked him out cold. After she had duct-taped him well to a chair in the basement, she brought up her toolbox and made her way to the generator for her older computer.



"You're... a wife?"

"Hell naw. Dat arranged marriage was canceled eons ago thanks to you."

"What? I don't even know the guy..."

"So... Ya don't renember? If you be Pascal..."

"You still think I'm this... Pascal Tera, don't you?... Why? I'm not him. Are you sure you're not confusing me with your version of the game?"

"P03... Dere's only Luke's an' Kaycee's names in da game dat connected to DEIR world. I'm sure I'd renember da name Pascal in my favorite game dat's only been out fer six months..."

"Then where did you get the name 'Pascal Tera' from?"

"I vaguely renember a guy I had befriended. Hair as red as an apple, eyes as blue as the sky, an' 'e was smart. We 'ad some classes together an' got along decently. 'e even liked my arm afta ma fucked it up... 'e even asked if dere were blueprints fer..."

"For what? Your arm? Why would a fully functional man want blueprints for your arm?"

Layla bit her lip.

"I feel like it ain't my right ta say why, but yes, 'e was curious 'bout my arm."

"I am too."


"Yes. It truly is a wonder. It looks so real and yet... it's made out of metal just like me. I would love to study your arm, m'lady."

"Den you shall study it afta I get ya outta dere, my friend."


"Yeah... or rather... companion if ya prefer dat more..."

"I'm... not sure which I prefer..."

"Very well... Afta I'm done with da gen, I shall visit Fluffy's tower, maybe try 'n' talk to Woofell again, den your factory. Ya good with dat, yeah?"

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