Healed but Broken

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When I woke up again, I felt somehow terrible.

This is not the attic... or my room....

How did I end up here!

I am pretty sure I bolted into the attic and then...

what happened?

Why can't I remember what happened?

Aizawa: Problem child, how are you feeling?

Me: ....

Why should I answer you?

You don't even care!

Not even Toshi does!

I could still remember the slap I got from Hitoshi and as I sat up, I was pushed back down again.

Aizawa: Stay still. I have RG coming over to check on you.

Me: I am fine.

Aizawa: Says the one who collapsed yesterday.

.... so I collapsed...

Must be all the wounds I have... I did push myself to hard after all...

Better rest for now.

Me: What time is it?

Aizawa: 6 a.m.

Me: ....

Aizawa: Kitten, now would be a good time to talk.

Me: ....

Aizawa: If you don't want to talk then you can also talk with someone else.

Me: ....

You really think that if I don't want to talk to you that I will talk with someone else?!

I just don't want a new family member!

Is that so wrong!

We are happy like we are!

Why break it and bring an outsider in?

Mic: Sho, Chiyo is here!

Once I heard that I wanted to sit up again but I was pushed back down.

Aizawa: Stay and I mean it!

Me: Fine....

Aizawa: Bring her in Zashi.

I closed my eyes and focused on what I was hearing and could tell that three people were coming in.


Is Toshi there too?

I don't want to see him after he slapped me for basically no reason!

As I was thinking that I felt a hand on my forehead and opened my eyes to the touch. At first, I thought it was RG but it was Eri who touched me and the moment I realized who it was I not only sat up but slapped the hand away from me.

Me: Don't touch me!

Mic: Don't you think this is a little bit hard Izu!

Me: I don't want to see THAT girl!

Mic: Izuku! Stop it and be friendly to her! She's just 5 and went through a lot!

Me: I don't care! I told you I don't want to see her or be near her!

Mic: You are going overboard here!

Aizawa: Zashi, I think it's better if you take Eri to Hitoshi for now.

Mic thankfully took Eri away. She looked as she was about to cry but to be quite honest I was too. I wanted to be alone and I wanted to be left alone. RG came over to me and started to unwrap all of the bandages I had.

RG: Oh my... where did you get all these wounds green bean?

Me: Accidents.

RG: Uhu... You do know that I won't believe what you say this easily.

Me: ... You won't get more out of me.

RG: Are you scared of the person who did this to you?

Me: It's wasn't a person.

Well not a lie there!

He is an angry ass Pomeranian with a lot of anger issues and built up explosive stuff... a walking terrorist if you want to say.

I would even go so far as to call him a rabid wild dog.

So he basically isn't a person.

RG: Not a person?

Me: ....

RG: I'll heal you for now and I do want an explanation for all these third degrees burns. And Child! What happened to your face? You have a cut on your lip and your cheek is a little bit swollen.... Who punched you?

Me: Slapped me.

RG: Pardon?

Me: It was a slap.

RG: Who did it?

Me: Toshi.

RG: Hitoshi?!

Me: ...

Aizawa: Yesterday there was a little bit of a escalation.

Me: Which didn't have to be one if you just had let me go.

Aizawa: You know exactly I can't do that.

Me: Who said that.

Aizawa: Problem child you are my son.

Me: Obviously not since Hizashi called me Midoriya!

Aizawa: ... He's just a dumb cockatoo!

Me: ...

RG: Stop! Both of you! I don't want to know what happened since you clearly don't want it green bean but if this is only ruining your health. I will step in. I heard you callused.

Me: Maybe.

Aizawa: You did and you were hyperventilating.

RG: Care to tell me what triggered it?

Me: Can't you all leave me alone?!

RG: *Sigh* Dearie... We all love you.

Me: ....what a lie....

RG: Well looks like you are in denial right now but if you want to talk to me you know where to find me.

She healed me and I should have felt sleepy which I did immediately. So I lied back down on the sofa and closed my eyes just to rest for a little bit.

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