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I pace back and forth from one side of the room over to the next. My head is clouded with thoughts and voices only I can hear shout at me.
Why did she do that?
You should've controlled her better.
He's going to kill you for this mistake.
The voices go silent as a small, faint moan is uttered from the centre of the bed. I turn my head to my right to look at the motionless body on my bed, her weight wrinkling the gold sheets around her. She slowly lifts her head up, her brows furrowed in anger as she keeps her eyes closed. She brings her hand up to her head and feels around her scalp. She stops her hand, assuming she felt the bump, and shoots her eyes open.
I didn't move an inch. I wasn't helping her anymore. Not after this. Not after I warned her to behave. She's going to get me in trouble and I'm not getting punished over some stupid girl. Not again.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? Why is hitting people off the head your first response to confrontation? Y'all need therapy!" She gets up and sits up on the bed, her eyebrows together still showing distress.

"Maybe if you would listen to me for once you wouldn't have anyone trying to shut you up." I stare at her with laser focus, not even blinking once.

"So what, I'm supposed to just sit there and let people talk to me however they wish? Better yet, let them starve me! Yeah sure, a spoonful of rice is supposed to keep me alive."

"Maybe it would help keep you weak enough to keep that mouth shut." I whisper low enough so that only I can hear.

"What did you say?" Or not...

"I'm done, I'm not going to stop you anymore. I'm going to go talk to my boss and tell him I'm through with you. You don't want to live with me anymore? Fine. You'll see what it's like being with others. Or dying, whatever my boss wants to do with you. I know what it's like around here and I don't want to be the one punished for trying to be nice to someone. In three day's time, you won't be my problem." I continue staring at her, not budging a single millimetre.

Her brows relax and I can almost see her eyes water. Wait, is she...sad? Scared, maybe? Huh, so she does know that she has it good with me.

She looks down at the floor beneath my feet and her mouth slowly forms a frown as her eyebrows curl back together. "Good. I'd rather be with someone else anyways who isn't so annoying." Of course that's her reply.

"Then it's settled."


Two days pass and nothing eventful happens, thank God. For once, she didn't utter a single word these past days. The only thing that came out of her mouth was "Thank you" as the waitress handed her her bowl of rice. I know, shocking right? Maybe she had realized that she is better off with me and is finally being obedient. I mentally laugh at my thought. Yeah, okay. I think to myself sarcastically.

Tomorrow when my boss comes back from his work trip, I'm going straight into his office to sign the transfer papers. I can't accept her as a "gift" anymore. She's making my life so much harder. Plus, it's getting annoying having to sneak off in the middle of the night to do my job. She doesn't know because I make sure that she's asleep. As long as I get my job done at the end of the week, Boss doesn't care when I do it.

I am lying on the bed on my phone going through Tik Tok as I feel movement on my right side. I pause the video to witness this incredible moment. The dead body next to me has finally moved! She has been lying with her back facing me the entire night. When we came back from supper, she went straight to bed.

I turn my head to the right as I look at her. She turns around to face me, her left cheek on the pillow. She is looking down at her hands as she picks one nail, clearly a sign of anxiety. I think she is about to say something.

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