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Four days have passed and I have done nothing but lie on this bed in complete agony. My head was throbbing and my stomach was begging me to feed it. I hadn't had food since I was first brought in here. All I dreamt about were chicken nuggets and pasta and thick, juicy burgers. Everyday my resistance breaks, piece-by-piece. Everyday he asks, "You coming to supper tonight?". The first night I put up a fight. The second I simply said no. The third I just shook my head no. And today, I have no more force left. I just wanted food.

"Can I ask you something?" I say faintly, as he gels his hair in the bathroom.

"Damn I thought that was the tv going off! Not used to hearing you talk. But, sure."

I ignore his sarcasm, I can't be bothered to argue right now. "If you're not my enemy, as you say, and you want to help me, then why are you letting me starve myself to death? Why can't you just bring me some food or something?"

"Because, you're hard-headed. Trust me, hearing your stomach growl all night isn't exactly pleasing."

"Oh, I'm sorry, is the sound keeping you awake?" I had to, he was being inconsiderate.

"I barely sleep anyways but that's not the point. I wanted to bring you food because it hurts to see you like that. I was homeless once, I know what it's like to starve."

Aw boo-hoo, I think. I can't say that out loud, though, because I need to play nice. "So can you please bring me food?"

"No. You need to come with me. I told you, you're making yourself look sus by not coming. They will come knocking on this door if you don't come one of these days. Plus I have a feeling nothing else will make you listen to me." He says firmly. I believe him.

My brain and my heart argue. My heart beats with anger. My heart wants to get out, accomplish all the dreams I had set out to do. The life I was going to live, away from everyone. But my brain takes over and reminds me how weak I am. My brain begs for me to eat and feed my body before I die of hunger. After a few moments, my brain wins. I couldn't take the pain anymore. What's the worst that can happen? I mean it's just a supper.

"Okay." I say, a decibel above a whisper.

"What?" He says, turning towards me.

"I'll go. I just want to eat." I say, clutching my stomach.

"Finally, making a decision that's good for you!" He walks out the bathroom and towards my limp body on the bed. "You'll need to get dressed, I can help you pick out something."

"No, I'll do it myself." I say as I get up slowly. The small movement only highlights my pain. I turn towards the closet, walking extremely slowly, past his tall figure. I flick the switch and the chandelier lights up. My head throbs and I close my eyes for a moment. Once my eyes are used to the light I open them back up. I walk into the closet.

My fingers gently glide along the soft fabrics as I walk by the rack of dresses. The marble floor feels cold against my bare feet. Right in front of me on a wall stood 3 long wall shelves decorated with dozens of designer shoes. Above those were 3 other shelves holding a whole variety of luxurious handbags. To the right of the closet, were women's dresses and fancy outfits. The closet was so big and long, that I could literally live in here comfortably.

Right in the middle of the closet stood a small island with marble counters and a glass cube encasing some gorgeous jewelry. The light from the chandelier on the ceiling reflected off the huge diamonds on the necklaces and into my eyes. It was so bright I had to squint.

I walk up to the counter and open up the drawers in the island. More jewelry. Sunglasses. Ties. Socks. Pantyhose. Anything I could ever dream of wearing was in the closet. And this whole time I was missing out?

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