Chapter 6 - Afternoon At Marinette's Place

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Adrien felt selfish after his conversation with Marinette. They could do something about their switched bodies sooner, but he liked living Marinette's life. He had no desire to go home to his unloving father. He wanted an afternoon with Marinette's loving parents. He felt bad leaving Marinette to deal with his father, but he figured if he could spend his whole life with him, she should be okay for an afternoon. That only made him feel more guilty. Marinette doesn't deserve this, he thought. I hope she can understand.

Before Adrien could overthink things too much, he arrived at Marinette's house. He enjoyed the afternoon there, but it was less eventful than he had hoped. He didn't know what he was hoping for exactly, but he figured any home was better than his.

He didn't have homework, so he played video games with Marinette's father for a while. He had a delicious dinner, and he went up to Marinette's room. He was happy to have Plagg back, and he wanted to talk to him.

"Plagg! Isn't this a crazy situation?" he said to his kwami, out of earshot from Marinette's parents. "I'm trapped in the body of the most beautiful girl in the world!" He looked in the mirror and admired Marinette's face. How did I never notice how beautiful she is? he thought. I hope she loves me the way I love her.

"Yeah, crazy," Plagg said, watching Adrien stare into the mirror. "How long do you plan on staring at that 'gorgeous' face of yours? It's weirding me out."

"Why do you have to make it weird?" Adrien asked. "I just want to look at m'lady's beautiful eyes without her rolling them at my hopeless romantic gestures."

"I'm not making it weird. It was already weird. Will you just stop already! You're too much sometimes."

"I am not! If anything, you're too much."

"You know I'm right."

"Whatever, Plagg. It's impossible to win with you."

"I'm well aware that I'm an impossible creature. It makes life more fun, don't you think?"

"Hey Plagg, I have a question," Adrien said, changing the subject. "Has the whole body-switching thing ever happened with other Ladybugs and Chat Noirs in the past? Marinette said you didn't have the chance to tell her much since she was so freaked out."

"Nope, you two are the first," Plagg told him. "I think I know why it's happening though. One of the old guardians warned me about this. He said it's part of the magic of the two miraculouses. There's a reason why the universe needs you to live each other's lives for a while. He said it could happen if the holders of the Ladybug and Chat miraculous are 'out of tune'. Maybe they don't trust each other, maybe their identities have to be revealed like this for some reason, maybe they're drifting apart. It's kind of like the universe's last resort to try to fix things between the two partners. That's all I know."

Adrien had to process the information for a while before speaking again. "What do you think is wrong with us? I think we're pretty 'in tune'. I trust Marinette. Does she not trust me? Is there a way to reverse this Plagg?"

"As I said, I've never seen this happen before," Plagg reminded him. "I'm not sure how to fix it. I think you have to let fate take its course and it'll fix itself." 

"How long will that take?"

"I don't know! How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know much about this!"

"Sorry, calm down a little. It's all pretty weird to me, and I have a lot of questions. I'm sorry for expecting you to have all the answers. This is a lot, Plagg."

"Yeah, I get it. It's weird for me too. It's weird to talk to Adrien when I'm looking at Marinette."

Adrien chuckled at that. "Yeah, today is full of craziness."

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