Part 1

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⚠️TW: IMPLIED ED RELAPSE⚠️ From what it said in the beginning when you first read about me and my back story I fucked some of it up, Kyozetan and I didn't meet from class that was just me and Dee, I met Kyoze from accidentally tripping him. He didn't speak any russain at the time, only Mandarin however I was taking Mandarin as one of my classes because it's real close and also it's super fun to speak. He was in my classes though. I thought he looked cool, I really liked his hair. I still do like his hair long hair is really hot- anyway that's how I met him.

Skip to about a year later

"Fuck this, fuck this, fuck this" I think to myself running as fast as I can away from my parents, from the restaurant. My mother humiliated me in public. Again. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate my dad too. She had no right pointing out my weight. So fucking what if I'm so skinny? That doesn't matter. It's not her business why I'm skinny either- why would she care anyway she's never given a single shit. They didn't even get up after me, they don't care. Where am I going? Home. Not home, the place where I live. I'll change my clothes in case they put a missing persons report. I grab makeup, hair brush, some clothes phone charger and phone, matches, ₽1,473.34 (about 20 USD) and anything else I might need. First person to think of: Ches he would take me in; he already thinks of me as a son. But he's out of town. I'm panicking I can't think straight I'm
Already crying. Where is home? "Get up" I tell myself. "Get up damnit move" I feel so weak. I get up starting to run again. "DEE? HEAVY??" I bang on the door completely out of breath. "Storm? Are you all right?" Glam opens the door speaking to me. "Let me In please I can't go back to my 'parents' ches isn't in town I don't know where to go" I say coughing. "Come in, Kyozetan is over with Dee. They told me you couldn't come but here you are!" Glam says.

I don't remember falling asleep. When I wake up im in the basement of dee's house, (where we normally hang out) with my head on kyoze's lap. He's stroking my hair. I'm too exhausted to say anything, too exhausted to move. I threw up all my food before I left my parent's house. I felt so sick. I groan hugging my stomach. "You're awake?" I hear Kyo say. "He's awake??" Heavy says. Heavy? I thought he was on a sleep-away field trip. "Go tell dad heavy." Dee says. Everything's blurry. I feel sick even though there's nothing that would have made me sick. It's probably the hunger. "Storm, you're awake I made soup. Please eat you look famished." Glam says. I sit up taking the bowl. I feel bad looking at it. But I take it nonetheless. "What happened?" Kyozetan says to me. I shake my head drinking the broth.

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