Part 4

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I always knew I was different. Not like everyone else, when I was little I didn't have many friends, they said I was weird. I didn't really like playing with toys except cars and toy instruments. I didn't like being around others. In elementary school I went to a private school, 6th grade is when I finally went to public and met Dee, I met kyozetan in 8th when I tripped him by accident. That's the only time I almost have seen his eyes, dark brown and a gnarly scar across the top part of his face that his bangs covered. Those are the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.

"Yaroslav fucking finally" Dee says. "You drove 4 hours to the middle of absolutely nowhere in this snowy ass weather how do you expect me to get here by 9??" Yoroslav responds to Dee. "Storm! You all right? People have been looking for you? What happened?" He says "oh." I say feeling my stomach churn. "My parents humiliated me- why the fuck are they acting like they care?" I frown. "No it's not like a big thing they just stopped me and asked if I knew where you were" he says back "I don't think they're gonna make it a big thing." "I hate them." I say. "What about huh?" Kyoze sits up. "Oh Yoroslav hey"

I switched over to Yaroslav's car sense it will be a lot quieter in there and I can just think, Kyoze stayed with Dee so he (Dee) wasn't lonely. That made me feel a bit weird, I wanted to be by Kyozetan. Kyo, the bot that made me realize I'm not crazy for not liking girls, he liked girls but he also liked boys and people who don't identify as either. He made me realize I'm not alone, he constantly validates me and is always there for me. He makes me nervous for some reason. I think I like him. But that's absurd I can't he's my best friend that will just ruin things, anyway he probably doesn't like me back. I'm just over thinking, it's probably just because I've never had a friend this kind to me before probably because I've never- I've never felt this way before.

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