Part 5

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"Yo we're here" Yaroslav says getting out of the car. I follow after him still totally lost in my thoughts. "How the fuck did we get here before dee and Kyo- they were ahead of us" I look around for their car. "Kyozetan got carsick, Zombie is coming over for a band meeting. We aren't making an alblum just meeting to talk" Yaroslav responds. I nod acknowledging he said something starting to worry about Kyoze. He doesn't ever get carsick unless it's hot. Dee must've been getting too cold so he was blasting the heat. That's kind of insensitive of him but also Dee is super impulsive when it comes to him and his car. Hopefully Kyo is ok enough to talk about the band. He's the guitarist, him and Dee. Dee struggles with guitar though and I feel bad for him but he was determined to prove his dad wrong. I'd do the same. Yaroslav is the keyboardist and zombie is the drummer. I'm bassist and shouter.

When Dee and Kyoze get back Kyoze is in a different shirt, he definitely threw up. "What if we meet tomorrow if Kyo isn't feeling great?" I say wanting to make sure we was feeling fine. "I'm ok.. I just- fuck." He holds his head leaning against the car. "Hey, I can grab my bag and we can walk to- to Chive's house I know where he keeps his key I'll text him." I say letting Kyo lean on me. "Ok.." he says. "You can take some blankets. It's fucking cold out." Dee says handing me my bag and some blankets. I text Ches "yo me and Kyoze are going to your place I ran away from home I can't fucking stand my parents anymore. There probably gonna emancipate* me anyway Ik where the spare key is outside, hope thays ok. I'll clean up for you too yoir place is always a mess" I send the message. "Let's go Kyo, it's not an incredibly long walk." I say. "Yeah ok.." he says leaning on me.

We get to Chive's house. It took us longer than I had anticipated, we've had to stop a few times for Kyo to throw up. He's probably more than just carsick but it's fine I can take care of him. I unlock the door to an absolutely foul smell. Jesus does he ever clean?? I think to myself. Kyo sits on the couch curled up in the blanket. Sweet boy.. I start cleaning the kitchen/dining room. This is probably one of the worser rooms. My phone dings "k kid I'll be here for you" Ches texts back. "Thanks." I respond scrubbing the floor. It's improved sense I've started on it.

Kyoze is asleep now, I've been cleaning for a long time. It's not spotless but it will be good enough. I'm not touching Chive's room because I don't wanna know what I'll find in there. I clean the living room. There's so much trash how does he live like this? No clue, I hope he's happy I cleaned his house. Ches is the closest thing I've ever had to a dad. He's one of the very few adults I want to make proud. One of the few I want validation from. I've almost called him "dad" once.

*emancipation: Emancipation of minors is a legal mechanism by which a child before attaining the age of majority is freed from control by their parents or guardians, and the parents or guardians are freed from responsibility for the child.

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