Chapter 6

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Obi-Wan made sure that every Padawan had a warm, heavy coat once the ship landed on Ilum. Petra wondered at this but didn't have to wonder long; once the doors opened and they stepped out onto the planet's surface, she was thankful for the coat that helped protect her against the sharp, icy winds and the wet, white stuff that blew in her face. Obi-Wan later told her the "stuff" was snow; Petra wasn't sure she liked it any better than sand, but at least the snow melted and didn't find its way into every crevice. Petra, Anakin, and the other Padawans looked up with uncertainty at the massive closed door leading into the caves. Obi-Wan did not seem bothered by the size of the door, and merely stepped closer to it before turning to the group. "We must all use the Force together to open the door. Concentrate and center your mind on the Force, and the door will open easily."

Petra had doubts about the ease of this task, but remembered Stass telling her never to look at the size of a problem before determining the likelihood of success in conquering it. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and with the others, held her hand out towards the door, letting all other things slip away from her mind and focusing only on the end result. The door shuddered before breaking away the ice that had formed around it and opening to reveal a type of temple inside. It was here they were met by Master Yoda seated on a raised dais in the center of the room. "Welcome, Padawans" he said, gesturing to them. "Successfully begun your journey, you have. Await you, harder challenges do.. To gain your crystals, three things you will need: bravery, trust, and focus. The Force, your guide it must be."

Petra felt her heart rate quicken, and her palms began to sweat in spite of the subzero temperature. She didn't feel at all prepared to accomplish this task, yet she knew she could not turn back. Obi-Wan caught her eye and smiled warmly and reassuringly. He remembered when he first came to the Crystal Caves, and the fear and nerves he experienced staring up at the large door to the entrance of the caves itself. He wished he had said something to Petra before they had left the ship...or even Coruscant. But with so many others around them, he knew he should not and could not say what he most wanted to. He was regretting his silence. He feared too, that he had overstepped with her and that their friendship would forever be altered. Once they returned to Coruscant, he knew he would have to talk to her regarding what remained unspoken, but known between them.


Petra was quiet on the way back to Coruscant, only speaking if spoken to and never engaging in conversation. Obi-Wan sensed she was troubled by something she must have seen or experienced in the Caves, but she was not willing to discuss it. He knew she had been successful, she had shown Anakin the crystal she had found, still glowing dimly in her hand. He and Anakin discussed at length his experience in the Caves once they returned and Anakin had constructed his lightsaber, with help and guidance from the Mark IV droid and Jedi expert Huyang. Huyang was the foremost expert when it came to constructing lightsabers, though Obi-Wan had always had a difficult time accepting the help of a droid. To his surprise, he watched Petra construct hers with ease. Anakin, on the other hand, had to assemble and then disassemble his three times before he assembled it correctly and safely. Though never one to admit a personal bias on lightsaber color, Obi-Wan was pleased that Petra's blue lightsaber blade matched his own. Anakin's was green, but Anakin didn't seem to mind a bit. He seemed most pleased at having a working lightsaber of his own. An old, almost mythical belief amongst some Jedi was the fact that color was attuned to the personality of its wielder, and the talents of the Jedi wielding a lightsaber indicated what color his or her blade would be. This was a topic of discussion amongst them later that same day as they met for dinner, Stass joining them for a brief time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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