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Tatooine's twin suns rose as they always did over the desert planet. This early in the day, Mos Eisley would begin to stir, its inhabitants beginning their usual daily business. I was no exception to this rule. My business? That is where things become complicated. You see, I was a slave; not just any slave, of course, but a pleasure slave. At the age of 14 human years, my master Watto realized what he owned in me: beauty. Charm. Generosity. So at the age of 14, Watto forced me into prostitution. I never wanted it. It was an unfortunate part of my small existence. But I didn't resist it anymore. Not for four years or last night. Any resistance on my end would result in punishment for my mother, Shmi, and brother, Anakin.

Unbeknownst to my master or my family, I no longer had a transmitter in my body that would explode if I tried to run away. To any scanner, it would transmit as a normal transmitter would, but the explosive chip implanted into each transmitter had been removed when I was 16 human years old. If Watto ever found out about my disabled transmitter, he would surely rip it out of my arm himself and replace it with a transmitter that couldn't be tampered with. A bounty hunter two years before had deactivated the explosive portion of the transmitter because he wanted to be able to take me away from Tatooine when he returned for me. He was the one customer I had allowed myself to fall in love with, the one man I allowed myself to let my guard down with. In exchange for this, he was a different person when we were together. When he promised to take me to his home planet upon his return to Tatooine, I fully believed him. I never knew when he would come back to Tatooine, as his business schedule was ever changing and unpredictable.

As the days passed however, I moved further and further away from believing his promise. Slowly I resigned myself to the fact that he would never come back as he promised, that he had never really intended to set me free to be with him. So I tried my best to put him behind me and live my life as normally as I knew how.

Little did I know, that life was about to be changed.

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