Book 2: PROLOGUE(The Phantom Menace to Attack of the Clones)

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Naboo has won over the Trade Federation and is now free from their blockade. Qui-Gon has died at the hands of a Sith. Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Jedi Knight, is determined to train Anakin Skywalker and prove the Jedi Council wrong: that Obi-Wan isn't ready to train an apprentice, and Anakin's future is too uncertain to be safe. Petra is struggling to adjust to her new life on Coruscant, while also wrestling with feelings for Obi-Wan she doesn't quite understand or want. Obi-Wan also, is finding his heart tangled in attraction to Petra while finding it difficult to retrain Anakin's volatile tendencies and control his outbursts.

With Petra resistant to her own feelings, and Obi-Wan struggling to overcome his, only time will tell if their friendship can survive the fragility of human emotion.


Prologue: Book 2

(From Petra's journal, 3 months after the Battle of Naboo)

Sleep is still eluding me. Anakin seems to continue adjusting fairly well to his new schedule, though I'm more bored than anything. Stass has convinced me to eat, even just one meal a day, though she says I'll be so thin the Coruscant winds will blow me away someday. Maybe she's right, and maybe it would be better. There doesn't seem to be much use for me here, I don't have a purpose surrounded by so many who know exactly what they will be doing each day. Stass keeps Obi-Wan updated on me, I assume; I haven't seen him in nearly 3 weeks. He and Anakin have been off-world on a diplomatic mission to Aria Prime to settle a dispute. It was sudden, as I didn't even know they had left until Stass told me. I've been uneasy about the entire thing, though Stass assured me they would be in very little danger on Aria Prime and it would be a good learning experience for Anakin. I still worry, though. And I'm discovering that I'm not just worried about Anakin's safety, but Obi-Wan's as well.

I worry that I won't see them again, as silly as it seems. I find my loneliness at times is unbearable. I never want to return to my previous life, or to what I was. But at the very least, when I wasn't "entertaining" customers, I was working with my hands and feeling useful. I miss my mother, I miss my home. I feel as empty now as I did then, with the added weight of loneliness. Even surrounded by other female Jedi, I still feel completely alone. No one here seems to understand the weight of what I carry. How could they? They've known nothing else but this life. Anything else is a foreign concept to them. I find myself wondering about Obi-Wan; if he ever feels lonely, especially since Qui-Gon's death. I wonder if he thinks about me, even now, or if he is completely focused on his work and nothing else. By the gods! Am I falling for him? I hope not. I can't allow myself to be hurt like that again. No, I won't allow myself to be hurt like that again. If I've learned one thing from the last few years, it's that you can't trust anyone to keep their promises, even when they say they love you. No, I will not let myself fall for another man. Not even Obi-Wan Kenobi.


(From Obi-Wan's journal, 3 months after the Battle of Naboo)

It's been over 2 weeks, and still, both factions on Aria Prime are nowhere close to deciding on a compromise. It's simple really, merely a trade dispute which resulted in diplomatic disputes, but our presence is largely not needed. But, the Jedi Council deems it necessary, so here we stay until ordered elsewhere. I fear Anakin is growing bored of listening to endless debate, but it can't be helped. Unfortunately, dealing with politicians is part of being a Jedi, though secretly I wish to be anywhere but here. As much as I try to focus on the task at hand, I find myself constantly distracted with thoughts of Petra--what she's doing, how she's doing...I worry about her, considering she seemed to be taking Qui-Gon's death very hard. Qui-Gon tried to tell me before the Battle of Naboo that I was forming an emotional attachment to her. I've tried to prove otherwise to myself, but I fear he was right.

What happened with Satine so long ago was nearly a disaster. It was only her wisdom and common sense that made me stay with the Order; her arguments against the abandonment of my vows is what made me question my initial decision. Gods. Can I afford to risk it again? 

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