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Jeongyeon looks at Jimin trying to read his expression. It's evident how his face turned pale like wanting to withdraw what he had blurted out.

"I mean, is that a hypothetical question?" Jeongyeon asks him unsure.

Jimin swallowed hard and nervously answered, "Ye...yes..."

Jeongyeon's smile slowly fade, "Oh, I thought..." She looked down pretending to rub off some dust on her lap and she looks up again giving him a shrug, "I cannot answer that for her. Just ask her," she advised.

Jimin nodded, eyes trembling and his knees are shaking. This is the only time he's nervous like this. Silence took over as Jeongyeon settled to look at the dark ocean. She wanted to broke the awkwardness of the situation but no words are coming out from her mouth. Her food finally arrived and Jimin quickly stood telling her that he needs to write a speech for the senior citizens of Busan. Jeongyeon lets him leave but it was obvious that she was disappointed with how their conversation turned out just like that.

Meanwhile, as soon as Jimin entered the staff room, he cursed at himself. "Why am I so coward? Fuck you Park Jimin!"

All of a sudden his staff showed up, Jong-kook, the man who stabbed him.

"Hi Sir," he smiled at him and Jimin was shocked, stepping back and cursing again, "Shit, you scared the hell out of me."

"Did you confess to her Sir?"

"What?" Jimin asked puzzled.

"Ma'am Yoo Jeongyeon..."

"Why should I confess to her?"

"Aigoo, it's pretty obvious that you like her Sir."

"Am I so obvious?"

"I mean, I saw you waiting for her to come back. I also learned that you are reserving a table for her. I saw how you cared for her last night. I realized that you have different aura when she's here. You're happier at the same time, you're scared. I don't know how to exactly describe it but to make it short, it's obvious that you are into her."

Jimin sighed in defeat. "How can I deny that? I hope she can see those things you saw..."

Jong-kook chuckled, "Just man up Sir. I mean, you are excellent as a public servant but when it comes to love you're like a puppy. You won people's votes, now it's time to win hers. You just gotta admit your feelings to her. Believe me, it's mutual."

Jimin creased his forehead, "Mutual? You mean, she likes me too?"

"Just ask her Sir."

"What if she rejects me?"

"Well, at least you tried. You won't have regret. Just think of this Sir, would you allow her to date someone else and then soon they'll be married and have kids in the future?"

"No, I don't want to imagine that."

"Then it's time to make a move Sir."

Jimin fell into silence as his staff taps him a good luck on his shoulder and then left him. Somehow Jimin felt motivated to do something to win Jeongyeon's love and attention. He spent few minutes to come up with words for his confession but as soon as he goes to her, he found her gone. A staff told him that she requested to take out her order and went on her way.

He went home with a heavy heart. Regret flowed on his veins. "What if I just admitted that she is the one I am talking about?" He wasn't able to focus on writing his speech as his mind is clouded by his thoughts of Jeongyeon. Knowing now that she is single, he feels that want and desperation to make her love him but how, if he's too coward to confess his feelings?

PUNCHLINE (JEONGMIN EDITION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora