Chapter 1

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"So, what is he like?"

You sat cross-legged on the freshly made bed while Wanda and Clint were assembling an Ikea wardrobe. They shared a look and frowned before Wanda craned her neck back to look up at you.

"I'm not sure," she said, using her powers to tighten the screws, "we didn't really talk, mostly fought."

You nodded, smoothing the bedspread nervously. Like all the bedrooms in the facility, it had a bed, a wardrobe and a desk.

You looked at the soft sage green walls and remembered the day you moved into the building. You were so excited to decorate your room, to make it your home. You hoped that Bucky would feel the same way.

"But he is Captain Rogers' friend so I believe he is trustworthy," Vision said, rolling out the champagne-coloured rug.

Clint got to his feet and dusted himself off. "You guys are practically neighbors."

It was true. Bucky's bedroom was at the far end of the corridor, right next to yours. You both had a great view down into the garden, but you were far away from the kitchen and the living area. You briefly wondered what he'd be like as a neighbour when Natasha entered the room.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" She gave you a stern look. "We're leaving in five minutes!"

"But I don't want to leave, I won't get to see him," you whined, getting off the bed and crossing the room. "Wait! How should we call him? Bucky? James? Sir?"

Clint wore an amused expression on his face. "Why would you call him 'sir'?"

"He's older than me. It's called respect."

Clint opened his mouth to retort, a scheming smirk tugging at his lips. You knew he wanted to make a dirty joke, so you left before he could say a word. You changed into your combat suit and joined Natasha and Tony in the quinjet.

Later that day, Steve gave Bucky a tour of the compound, which ended in Bucky's bedroom. He gave a slow nod of appreciation as Steve set his bag on the bed.

"So am I an Avenger?" Bucky asked, looking through the window.

"Technically, yeah." Steve rubbed the back of his neck. "We need your shrink's approval before you can join us on missions, but there's plenty of work here."

Bucky turned his head to look at Steve. "Paperwork."

Steve gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded. Bucky was grateful to Steve for his support, but he wasn't sure he belonged there. Not after everything he had done. Steve decided to give him some space and suggested he explore the facility. Bucky walked him back to the door.

"Whose room is that?" he asked, pointing to your door.

Steve said your name. "She's one of our newest recruit."

"I don't think I met her yet." Bucky tried to put a face to the name.

"She left today with Nat and Tony. They should be back in a few weeks."

The arrangement obviously didn't thrill the billionaire, but he agreed to let Bucky stay. His anger had subsided. He understood that Bucky wasn't responsible for his actions, but it didn't change the fact that he saw Bucky's hand wrapped around his mother's throat.

Bucky stared at your door for a moment, wondering what you looked like. He didn't know it yet, but you were about to turn his world upside-down.

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