Muzan Kibutsuji | Female Reader

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This is also sad because why not?

I'll just give him a sad back story since his isn't THAT sad.


He was always sick, because of that, he rarely got to talk to anyone. His parents were tiered of trying to take care of him, so they decided to get him a wife, that way they wouldn't have to worry about him so much. They were just lazy bastards.

He was angry at them, especially since he was only 16, and so was the girl (reminder that this was over 1000 years ago, I want this to make sense for the time period.) they didn't end up having kids for obvious reasons.

He was sick, he couldn't work to bring any money, and she was a girl, in a time period where they couldn't work and just had to stay home. The only reason they could survive was because of Y/N's brother.

Her brother disagreed with the marriage but his efforts to decline were all ignored, because of that he helped them. He did so because he loved his younger sister dearly and didn't want her to suffer.

He hated Muzan at first, but then took a liking to him when he realised that the boy wasn't that bad, it was just both of their parents. Muzan tried his best to bring as much money in as he can.

He didn't want his wife to suffer, she was nothing but gentle with him, never blaming him or getting mad at him for not being able to do much. Even though his illness was strong, she tried taking care of him anyways, always making sure he was comfortable.

He did the same for her to the best of his abilities, he tried to help with what he can, making sure that she was comfortable and feeling safe. Their marriage was supposed to be loveless, but love was the only thing they could give each other.

At first it was awkward, but after getting to know each other, they realised that this wouldn't be as bad as they thought it would be. A complete loveless marriage turned into one that was dependant on love.

Muzan was still upset, he loved his wife so much but he just couldn't give her much. He couldn't buys her gifts, new clothes, he couldn't help her much with her chores, he couldn't give her a normal family either, it would just end up stressing them out.

So he searched everywhere for a doctor that would help him, he would take anything, he didn't want to just live, he wanted to make his wife happy, she's one of the only people that genuinely stuck with him.

That's how he ended up here. He found a doctor that was willing to help him. The doctor had tried to develop a medicine in order to help Muzan overcome the illness he had, one that would kill him before his twenties.

The medicine was painful, he was In complete excruciating pain. He felt his body heat up completely, like it was on fire. He wished that he could back down but then he remembered Y/N.

If this works, then he can help her, he can get a job, pay back his brother in law, buy her the best of gifts and the best of clothes. He could make her happy, maybe he can even raise a family with her.

So he dealt with it, in order to make his wife happy he went on with the taking medicine even if it was painful, this could be a life changer, then he can laugh at his parents and his in laws for doubting him and Y/N.

He'll show them that he can take care of her, that she is safe with him because she was all that mattered. If she was happy then he would go as far as he can to keep it that way.

Everytime he even thought of just giving up he just reminded himself that it was for her, the girl that he loved the most, the person that gave him all her love.

After a while everything seemed to calm down, he wasn't in pain anymore but he felt different, he felt way stronger than before. He could hear everything clearly, see everything clearly, he can even smell everything much better, it seemed that his senses were completely heightened.

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