Tanjiro Kamado | Female Reader

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Tanjiro looked around him to see the people that managed to survive final selection. He was shocked, there were more about 20 people that that went in but there only four people in front of him.

He listened in to the two girls (let's be honest we all though that Kiriya was a girl) at the front as they started to explain what they would be doing now that they survived final selection.

All the sudden a boy with black hair started a commotion, talking about how he wanted his Nichirin blade right now. He even went out of his way to grab one of the girls' hair an pulling a bit while yelling at her.

"Wowie! For someone who trained with Himejima-Sama you sure are as hot tempered as your brother, don't you think, Genya?" Tanjiro looked at one of the two girls there. She was standing next to the black haired girl while holding her hand.

In the other hand she had a fan, which she held open to cover the bottom of her face as she mocked the already angry boy. The boy, now known as Genya, looked at the girl before letting go and taking a step back away from the front.

The two girls at the front continued with what they were saying before asking the survivors to choose an ore to make their blades out of. Tanjiro looked at them in confusion, not seeing the difference or benefits between them.

He saw the girl from earlier pick up two of the ores and show them to the black haired girl.

"Kanao, I genuinely can't see the difference but I like these two, chose one." The girl explained to Kanao before hiding her hand behind hee back and jumbling the ores around.

"Alright right or left?" Kanao pointed to the other's right side and then the girl showed her the ore that was in her right hand. "Alright! Though I still don't know the difference. Do you?" Kanao shook her head at question as she grabbed the ore from the other girl.

They both gave them to the white haired girl and she took it from them, probably writing the ores under their names. After they finished with everything, they took their leave in the opposite direction of where Tanjiro was going.


Tanjiro opened the door to the room where his rehabilitation training would start. He looked around to see the girls working there, obviously Sumi, Kiyo and Naho were there along with Aoi, but he also noticed the two girls from final selection.

"Oh! Those two girls were at final selection!" Tanjiro pointed out, which caused Kanao to look at him. Inosuke looked at the other girl, offended that she didn't greet the great king.

He then let out a yell before attacking her but despite her being distracted she was able to pin him down to the grounds. The boar head thrashed around, trying to get away from her.

"Hm?" The girl let out a hum, looking down at Inosuke with a sinister smile. "What's up with the boar head? Is it to make up for the fact that you don't have any brains?"

Inosuke kept on yelling, angry at the fact that the girl was mocking him. At some point Aoi got tired of waiting so she just hit Y/N, forcing her to let go of Inosuke. The girl looked at Aoi, trying to get pity from her but she just got glared at.

After training, Tanjiro decided to take a walk around the butterfly estate, mainly because he wanted fresh air. As he walked for a bit he spotted Kanao and Y/N at a corner.

Kanao smiled at him but the other girl was distracted by something. He looked to see that she was petting a small kitten. She had a content smile, it was like she was in a completely different world. It was weird seeing her like this, especially since she already had mocked and made fun of two completely different people.

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