Ch. 4 - Couldn't resist

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****A/N - this is a shorter chapter but it was important to me to include this****

~Kaminari POV~

As Y/N fell asleep in my arms I couldn't help but think of that first night we spent together, the one that made us become best friends. It was her first day at UA after transferring from Shiketsu High School. When she walked into our classroom, I was admittedly a little confused because, not gonna lie, she looked a little villainous. Beautiful, but villainous non the less. I realize it wasn't fair to judge her by her appearance, but the tattoos of weapons and other various items that scattered her body were what did it. Aizawa introduced her as a transfer but didn't really give any other information besides her name and that the tattoos were part of her Quirk.

After school that day I invited her to come play video games with me and a few others. Surprisingly, she agreed, and we ended up staying up until 10am the next day. Since the others went back to their own dorm rooms well before then, we had plenty of time to get to know each other. That was the night I learned exactly how her Tattoo Quirk works, and to my knowledge no one else knows that information to this day. That night I also learned how her parents had died two months before. It turns out, her mother was Aizawa's sister that disowned him years ago. Y/N hadn't even known Aizawa before the police brought him to pick her up. I'm not sure how their relationship is now because she refuses to talk about it since he is our teacher, but she told me it was rough at the beginning.

I'm not sure when, but at some point that night I stopped hitting on her and I haven't done it since. It took me a good while to realize that I stopped flirting with her because I caught feelings for her. She wasn't just a pretty face, there was so much more to her that I adored. I can't flirt with her and get rejected, it would hurt too bad at this point. Or worse, what if I hit on her and it made her so uncomfortable that she pulled away from me and I lost her even as a friend?

I shook my head to try to bring myself back to reality and pushed those thoughts back down to where I kept them locked away. I must have shook my head harder than I meant to because Y/N shifted next to me before rolling over and facing the wall. She's exhausted from crying so much, she's probably not going to be up for a while but when she is she's going to want her own clothes. I slowly crept off the bed and snuck out the door, closing it softly behind me so I didn't wake her up.

As I walked to the elevator at the end of the hall I stopped in front of Deku's door. My room was only 2 doors away from his. It took every fiber of my being to not barge into his room right now and make him pay for hurting Y/N like he did. After contemplating it for a moment, I kept walking to the elevator. It didn't take long to make it to the fourth floor and to Y/N's room. Thankfully her door was unlocked so I walked in.

I've been in her room enough to know where she keeps everything so it only took a minute to grab her a pair of her own shorts, sweat pants as a back up plan, and a tank top. That girl is always in a tank top, even if it's winter, I have no idea how she does it. As I was about to walk back out of her room I realized that she may want her phone when wakes up too. It took a few minutes to find it but I was finally successful and headed out the door. As I shut it behind me I heard the elevator ding and looked over to greet whoever it was. That WAS the plan, until I saw who was exiting the elevator.

"Of course, you're here." Deku said under his breath as he approached me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with venom in my voice. Did I care if I pissed him off? No, no I did not.

"Came to talk to Y/N." He said in a flat tone standing in front of me. He was staring daggers at me.

"She's asleep." I said flatly as I walked past him. I knew if I didn't leave right now, I was going to do something I would regret later.

"It won't be the first time I've ever woke her up." He said, I'm not sure if he actually had an attitude when he said that or if I just heard it that way due to my feelings towards him at the moment. I heard him start to turn the doorknob and I couldn't resist.

"Didn't say she was asleep in HER room." I said with a smirk as I boarded the elevator. He's always been suspicious of us being so close. He's even confronted me about it a few times, but I've never told Y/N. After what he did to her today, I just couldn't resist taunting him a little with that sentence.

When I made it back to my room Y/N was still asleep, so I laid down next to her and put a movie on. Dinner was going to be soon, but if she's not up by then I'm not going down either. Honestly I doubt she would even want to go down if she did wake up.

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