Ch. 37 - Denki Kaminari look at me

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When I opened my eyes, I found myself laying on Denki's bare chest. He had one arm wrapped tightly around me while the other held his phone above his head as he played a game, with the charger cord running to his mouth.

"What time is it?" I sleepily asked without moving an inch.

"Good morning beautiful!" He sounded like he had been waiting for hours to say that. He then gave the top of my head a soft kiss and answered my question, "10:15"

"Why did you let me sleep so long?" I lifted my head up to look into his golden eyes.

"I like holding you." He said with a shrug as he removed the charger from his mouth and laid his phone down on the other side of his body, "Listen ... we never talked about ... before."

"What?" I was confused why his voice sounded so serious all of a sudden.

"About our date ... before you got kidnapped." Denki sounded really uncomfortable as he spoke.

"Oh ... Denki it-" He cut me off.

"Look, I'm really sorry I made you mad and you left and then you got kidnapped!" He blurted out quickly. Then he looked away from me and his tone changed to a quiet one, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."


He looked at me with guilty eyes as he shook his head no.


"It ... It kinda was though ..." His sad voice said, "If I didn't make you angry ... if I didn't take you on that date in the first place ..."

"Denki ... stop it." I softly pressed my lips to his before adding, "I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again, you hear me? ... I'm glad you took me on that date."

I could see the relief flash in his eyes before he pressed his lips into mine again. He cupped my face in his hands as we kissed.

"I love you." He said against my lips before kissing me again, "You don't have to say it back," *Kiss* "I just needed you to hear it." *Kiss* "again."

"I love you ... I just don't know if it's that way yet ... this is all so new ... and I have feelings for Katsuki too ..." I whispered, after pulling my lips from his and pressing my forehead to his.

"I know ..." He whispered, "And I'm okay with waiting for you to figure things out ... Just don't think I'm gonna give up on you now."

"I wouldn't expect you to." I laughed as I pulled my head away from his and snuggled back down on to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rested his head on top of mine.

He held me in silence for what felt like an hour before I finally sat up.

"Can I see your phone?" I asked, holding my hand out expectantly.

"Yeah why?" He grabbed it from next to him and unlocked it before handing it to me.

"TiiiiiiikTooooook." I sang out as I laid my head on his chest again. I kept the phone where we could both see it as I opened the app and started scrolling through his for you page as he ran his fingers through my hair.

~Time Jump~

"You really don't have to help me." Denki said as he unwrapped one of the frozen pizzas he was planning to serve for lunch.

"It's frozen pizza and salad ... I'm not doing much." I said with an eyeroll as I connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker we had brought down with us. I hit shuffle and play on his spotify playlist before setting it on the counter.

"If I could write you a song to make you fall in love .." Denki sang along with the music, gesturing to me as if he was speaking to me.

"Oh is this what we're doing right now? Kitchen Karoke?" I asked through a laugh. He kept singing while nodding his head, so I joined in.

The next song that came on was Love Shack and we pointed to each other as we sang.

A few songs later we had gone from innocently goofing off to clearly flirting. The type of songs had even changed to a more sexual nature.

I didn't know the words to the song currently playing so I was just dancing.

I could feel the bludge in his pants as I shook my ass against him.

Suddenly he spun me around and lifted me onto the counter. He was standing between my legs as he kept singing/rapping along with the music.

"I think I love you ..."

His hands went to my hips and pulled me closer to him.

"Dim the lights it's time to fuck..."

He had a flirtatious look in his eyes as he tugged at the bottom of the shirt he had let me borrow for the day.

"But you can wear my shirt after we're done boo-"

"She looks better in mine." Katsuki said in a smug voice from the door of the kitchen, making both Denki and I jump. We turned our faces to look at him but when neither of us spoke Katsuki continued, "Raccoon eyes sent a video of you two fucking dancing in here to the group chat."

"Oh, so you decided to come ruin our fun?" Denki asked, taking a step back so I could hop off the counter.

"Tch ... in case you forgot, everyone else thinks she's my girlfriend idiot."


The timer for the pizzas went off and Denki walked over to get them out of the oven.

"You're mine at 6 Princess." Katsuki said, positioning himself to hold me from behind.

"Oh really? Who said?" I teased.

"Me." He whispered, planting a kiss right below my ear.

Love Triangle (Bakugo x Y/N x Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now