Ch. 9 - "What the fuck?"

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****A/N - Listen, this is a super SUPER long chapter. So forget grabbing a snack for this one, get a whole ass meal****

As I stood in front of the door, I started to lose my nerve. Would he even agree to this? I shook my head trying to clear that thought from my head. I took a deep breath, knocked, and waited.

When there was no answer, I knocked again.

Another deafening silence.

'He must be training' I thought as I turned away from the door. Just as I took my first step down the hall, the door sung open.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT SHITTY HA-" Bakugo stopped mid-sentence when he realized it was me. His yelling quickly caught my attention and I turned around to face him. After a moment, he spoke again his voice softer this time, "Tattoo Bitch? What do you want?"

"I ... " I was momentarily distracted when I realized that Bakugo was shirtless, "I need a favor."

"Tch ... GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE!" He yelled and started to shut the door in my face. Thankfully I have quick reflexes and was able to put my hand out to stop it from closing all the way.

"No. I can't." I said in a huff, "It has to be YOU." That caught his attention. He opened the door back up and leaned against the door frame, staring into my soul with those red eyes of his.

"What do you want nerd?" he asked as he folded his arms across his chest. God he was hot standing there like that, it flustered me a little bit.

"Can we not talk about it in the hall?" I asked as I tried to push past him to enter his room. He stopped me.

"You're not coming in my room." He said flatly.

"Well, we're not talking about it in the hallway." I fired back at him.

He let out a huff as he backed into his room, closing his door as he did so. I stood there confused for a short moment then banged on his door again, probably more aggressively than I should have.

"STOP IT NERD!" he said as he opened the door again, now wearing a dark red shirt. He walked past me leaving me staring after him, still uber confused.

"You comin or not?!" he yelled over his shoulder at me. I quickly caught up to him and followed him without saying another word. He led us into the stairwell before he abruptly stopped walking and turned to me.

"Well?" he questioned as he leaned his back against the wall.

After taking a long breath, I told Bakugo about everything while he listened intently. I was surprised he let me talk without interrupting me, but he did.

" ... So, I want us to be in a fake relationship to piss him off." I finally finished speaking. I waited for his answer while he stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"And why the fuck would I agree to that?" Bakugo asked.

"Because it'll piss Izuku off." I said in a 'duh' tone, "I thought that was obvious."

"Tch..." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, obviously thinking about it. The silence as I waited for him to speak was deafening.

"Yeah okay. I'll do it." He finally said, "BUT I'M NOT DOING THIS FOR YOU! GOT IT NERD? IT'S ONLY TO PISS OFF DEKU GOT IT?!"

"Yep, I got it." I said and turned to talk away from him. I didn't even get one step in before he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"When are we starting this?" he asked lowly.

"Um ..." It took me a minute to steady myself from the shock of being pulled back, "As soon as possible." I said as determination overtook me.

"Then come on." He said as he pulled me out of the stairwell and down the hall.

Love Triangle (Bakugo x Y/N x Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now