Ch. 48 - "I really want to..."

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"Who keeps calling you?" Tamaki asked as he drove us to his apartment.

Thankfully it hadn't taken him long to get to where I was. He had panicked when he first saw the state I was in, but after I told him that I had done it he seemed to calm down.

"Denki." I quietly answered his question while I stared out the window, letting my phone continue to ring in the space between us. I left out the part about Katsuki also calling because I didn't want to have to go into detail with him right now.

"Why don't you ... umm ... answer?" He asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"I ... I don't want to talk to him right now." It was the truth, I wasn't ready to talk to either of those blonde boys that I lov- Wait what? What am I saying?

"Is ... is he the reason ... you umm ... did that to yourself?" Tamaki asked, sending me a side glance.

"What? No!" I defended, hoping he couldn't see through my lies, "I told you, I used all my weapons and needed to stock up... that's all."

"Y/N ... we both know that isn't true."

Damn it.

"I've seen you after you need to stock up on weapons ... and ... you didn't look like that ..." He said as he pulled into a parking space.

"Yeah, okay ... you win." I mumbled, "I was upset ... I'm still upset actually... It didn't do what it was supposed to..." I hated admitting that to him.

"Did you and Chargebolt get into a fight?" he asked, turning the car off.

"Something like that..." I muttered. Tamaki didn't know I was sleeping with Denki... or Katsuki ... and he didn't need to know.

He nodded before getting out of the car and walking around it to open my door for me. As he stood there holding his hand out for me, my phone rang again.

I don't know what I was thinking, but I reached up and sat my phone in his hand.

"I ... that's not ..." He mumbled before sighing and putting the phone to his ear, "H-hello?"

"S-Suneater?" I could barely hear Denki's voice coming from the phone, "Why do you have Y/N's phone? Is she with you? Or did I call the wrong number?"

Tamaki looked at me like he didn't know what he was supposed to say to that.

'Just hang up.' I mouthed to him.

"I ... yeah uhh ... she's with me." He told Denki. I thought I heard Katsuki say something, but I couldn't tell what.

"Is she okay?" Denki's barely audible voice asked, "We came to her room, and she wasn't here ... there was a lot of blood."

Again, Tamaki looked at me like he didn't know what he was supposed to say. When I just stared back into those indigo eyes, he spoke again.

"Y-yeah ... she's okay."

"TELL HER TO GET HER ASS BACK TO THE DORMS!" Suddenly Katsuki's voice came booming through the phone, making Tamaki pull it away from his ear.

Hearing those words made my blood boil... I shot up from the seat of the car and yanked my phone out of Tamaki's hand.

"YOU'RE NOT MY BOSS BAKUGO!" I yelled into it before hanging up.

Tamaki's wide eyes ran over my blood covered body.

"We need to get you inside." He said, looking around the parking lot. Probably worried someone would see the sorry state I was currently in. He grabbed my hand and led me into his building.

Love Triangle (Bakugo x Y/N x Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now