Qotd Ideas.

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1. Who do you simp for? ( Fictional Characters, Real Life, Everything )

2. If you an in an RPG game, which class will you be? Why?

3. What's a thing you have experienced and want to do again.

4. Who's your favourite illustrator/artist/music creator/etc...(?)

5. You have 10,000 million in your hands, what is the first thing you would spend on?

6. If you have the power to pick any school grades ( 1st grade, 2nd grade,... ) you want to participate in for a day, which would it be.

7. What would you do if someone broke into your house?

8. If you can change your name, what would it be? Why?

9. Which Guinness Record would you break? Why? ( Mine would be the richest person in history )

10. What are 3 traits that are associated with you?

11. Do you have any household rules? Make them scary.


You should knock when you come into a room when somebody is in.

-> When going into a room, you must knock 3 times. If you don't then the person inside will give you a warning with their eyes locked to you, you don't want that or you'll end up with an unsatisfactory shiver.

12. The background of your PC/PHONE/TABLET is the person who is hunting you, what do you do?

13. What's an interesting or 'strange' belief you have.

14. I'm not stealing the idea of your dream for my next lucid dreams but what's you best dream you dreamt? ( could be a lucid one ).

! It can be any, today, this month, this week, this year... any.

! If you don't remember it, you can use short descriptions.

15. If you were chosen to live in a Roblox game what would it be?

Rules:- You can go back to reality, you can just (teleports into game adios) into the game anytime.

- If you are dead, you respawn.

- You can move like a VR but you can feel like everything, even slapity slap slap.

- You can have a maximum of 10.

16. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be, and how would you be "dressed"? (Toppings, a bowl of the cone, etc)

17. What's your internet name? What's its origin?

18. If you can only choose 5 emojis to use on the server, what would it be?

19. What's your most-used 3 emojis?

20. Which character ( game, real life, etc ) would you like to become?

21. What kind of creature would you like to be reincarnated as?

22. What are the little things you enjoy in life? (Eating breakfast in bed, watching the sunrise/sunset, etc)

23. If you could have any eye colour, what eye colour would you have? (rainbow eyes and eye colours that don't exist count as well)

24. Imagine your OC's in a Zombie Apocalypse:

Who dies first?
Who would be the survivor?
Who gets turned into a zombie?

25. What's your favourite Eevelution?

26. What's your favourite Minecraft Axoloti colour?

27. What's your birthstone and what's your favourite birthstone?

28. What's the most cursed ship(s) you know? ( Any Fandom )

29. Describe your country in 5 words.

30. What's your comfort snack/drink?

Author's Note: UPDATING SOON! I'm very tired and have other work to do T-T *UPDATES SPEEDRUN 4/23/2022*.

1. You get to be turned into any immovable non-living object, what object would it be?

2. What is your favourite colour to shade?

3. Are you a morning person or an evening person?

4. Do you like the outdoors, or prefer staying indoors?

5. What is your earliest memory?

6. It is Christmas and your annoying sibling have just got their presents, what do you give to them?

7. What is the biggest mistake you have ever made but have yet to learn?

8. What is the strangest dream you have had?

9. What is the first thing you notice when you wake up? 10. What is the last thing you notice before you sleep?

11. Do you always know when someone is lying to you and it's very obvious? 12. Do you have a photographic memory?

13. Who do you think would make the best pet?

15. What are you interested in that most people haven't heard of?

16. If you could live in a book, TV show, or movie, what would it be? 17. What unpopular opinion do you you always agree on?

18. What's your favourite song you found from a phase you had.

19. What's something you saw but told no one because you didn't know how to explain?

20. Your most recent saved image is what keeps you sane.

21. How do you drink your beverage in a weird and random way but still think it's normal.

22. What's something you kinda feel like you should say to people? It doesn't have to be personal or anything.

23. Does the phrase "alternate universe" mean anything to you?

24. What was your 'wait that's kinda gay' moment at school.

25. What's one thing that you regret purchasing.

26. What are some things don't you understand about the opposite gender?

27. Has someone ever said something negative about you to your face, and you just thought it was just random?

28. Who do you think would win in a fight, you or the giant chicken?

29. What is the weirdest sound you have ever made?

30. Describe 2021 in a single word. 

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