Quote Ideas.

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1. "Always be willing to go outside the boundary of what you know, because the ordinary lies waiting within it."

2. "You see a girl; you save her; she saves you; you live happily ever after - that's the way it's done in the fairytales, right?"

3. "The hero always prevails in the end; the journey is often the greater part of the adventure, and that's how it always goes in fairytales."

4. "It is never too late to be what you want."

5. "You are truly blessed in being able to find your passion so easily if you work for it."

6. "Don't become too comfortable with your gifts, or abilities. Let them enhance your lives, don't become obsessed. That is the only way they will keep giving to you."

7. "You see things differently because you look at the world through different eyes."

8. "A child's wonder and a child's innocence."

9. "Don't be a victim. Live your life freely, and make your own decisions."

10. "Don't focus on what you can't have. Take what you can get, and be happy."

11. "Don't be afraid to walk away from a bad relationship. You're worth more than what the most you've ever received."

12. "Your child-like mind is incapable of grasping the true magnitude of the gift you have been given, in being free, and not afraid to express your imagination and feelings. Curiosity and eagerness to learn."

13. "Seek fulfilment in the little things; find happiness in the simplest of things."

14. "You don't get what you want in life by sitting on the sidelines."

15. "There is no sweetness without a bit of sting. It's what makes us human."

16. "The real measure of a man is how he treats his female relatives."

17. "You don't build a relationship by flirting with someone and then acting distant. The distance is what you put up because you're trying to hide your real feelings. Don't you ever forget what those real feelings are?"

18.  "Don't you ever forget what those real feelings are."

19. "There are no miracles in life. Everything is handed to you, but if you don't do anything with it, it was never yours."

20. "Don't be a people-pleaser. Do what you need to do to get what you want, and don't worry about anything else."

21. "Don't dwell on the past, or what you can't change. Live your life with no regrets. The past just... happened."

22. "If you don't dream, life will treat you like a drone, a machine, a thing. Don't let life make you it's own."

23. "Your life is your art, the way you see things. You can't separate one from the other. What you give is what you get."

24. "There are no do-overs; use what you've been given and don't waste a second of it."

25. "You're a unique individual, and everyone is jealous of how unique you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

26. "There is no such thing as failure, only feedback."

27. "You can't always get what you want. If you had any semblance of intelligence you would know that. Life is what you make it."

28. "I would love to eat my own words sometimes... But it would be hollow, and we all know that."

29. "It's your choice how you live your life. No one else will ever choose it for you. Make your own decisions, and live your own life. Always."

30. "You're going to make mistakes. Everyone does. It's how you recover from those mistakes that determine your fate. Make your own rules; make your own choices."

31. "You're not a copy of a copy of a copy. You are a unique snowflake."

32. "It's a cliche, but it's absolutely true. You don't have to do what other people tell you to do, or what other people expect of you. You do what you're happy with, what you're passionate about. You have the freedom to do what you want, and the only judgement is from yourself."

33. "I want to become a butterfly but I'm a lion at heart."

34. "If you want to change the world, you have to start by taking care of yourself."

35. "Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't lead, follow. You will never change the world by letting it change you."

36. "Don't let the monster living inside you consume you. You can be the hero living inside a monster."

37. "Don't be afraid to dream. It's the only place where we're truly free."

38. "You can't expect to turn the world upside down with a perfectly reasonable argument."

39. "We are what we are, and we don't need a label to tell us who we are. We are not werewolves. We do not howl at the moon. We do not change form."

40. "Sometimes the smallest changes in life can have the greatest impact. A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a snowstorm in Canada but everyone knows it's a total lie, they only care if it actually happens."

41."Ivory Tower Syndrome is a danger to everyone. Know what your limitations are, and don't waste your time or talent on things you can't accomplish."

42. "Be wary of those who want to control you. You're better than they think you are."

43. "If you want to be racist, sexist, or any type of wrongdoing -ist, don't do it because it's wrong. Do it because you enjoy it. You are in no way obligated to anyone or anything."

44. "People wanted to be popular, gaining clout by lies, cringe and wrongdoings, but they ended up being boring and ignorant. Popularity isn't everything if you try to be honest by being oneself on the camera."

45. "Don't become a tool for the system. There are people who want to control others, and there are people who are only thinking of themselves. You know yourself, be true to yourself. There are no exceptions."

46. "When you find yourself in the middle of a crowd, you'll know which one you are. Follow your heart, not your curiosity. If you do the former, it'll lead you to the latter."

47. "I wish for a pot of porridge since I'm so hungry, and a feather bed since I'm so tired, and a dozen roses since I've earned them. And a nice, big glass of milk since I'm so thirsty. Give me all those things, and I'll be a happy person."

48. "You're too nice and too pure, remember if water or ocean is too pure. A fish cannot live in such conditions. You're like a tame salmon."

49. "Fake friends? I've already got plenty of those. One of my many regrets is that I've never learned how to properly socialize. I've always been too wrapped up in my own head. But that's going to change starting today."

50. "It's a conspiracy if someone is doing it, and someone is. There's no explaining it, it's like the movies. You just have to throw your hat in the ring and see who runs with it."

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